The Unveiling of Unfathomable Reality | 007 |

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──❝The Unveiling of Unfathomable Reality❞──


[Y/n]'s mind would have been black were it not for the beeping of machinery. Her gaze was soon drawn to the large bed, its white drapes fluttering in the breeze, as the sound of beeping machinery and labored breathing reached her ears.  Seeing [Y/n]'s gaze shift toward the covered bed, Shen May spoke up, disrupting the quiet, like a gentle breeze breaking through a still room. "The man lying here is Jun See. He's my little brother." [Y/n]'s grip on her pistol loosened momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure and refocused her attention on Shen May, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. 'Brother? The young man she was referring to...was her brother?' she thought in disbelief. Frustrated by the lack of response, Shen May's voice rose in anger, "The US Government turned him into this." [Y/n], with a determined gaze, felt a firm resolve building within her as her eyes took on a steely glint. In a display of utmost concentration, she focused intently, straining to catch any flicker of vitality, any subtle indication of life, on the bed.

And then, a glimmer of triumph danced across her eyes as she discerned the slightest hint of Jun See's countenance. While locked in this unyielding pursuit, her sharp eyes tracked the gentle rise and fall of his chest, a solemn reassurance amidst the stillness. Jun See lay motionless on the bed, giving an impression of serenity even in his dormant state. However, a troubling sight greeted her as she observed him closely: the arduous struggle evident on his concealed face and the labored breaths escaping from his parched lips. It seemed as if each inhalation was laced with a silent battle for air—a poignant struggle that masked the surface calmness.

"What are you and Jason up to?" demanded Leon, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. His fingers dug into the grip of his gun, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to fire at a moment's notice. The air was thick with tension, and the sound of his own breathing seemed deafening in the silence. "Like he told you before... we're trying to expose a conspiracy. I came here to get the proof to our Defense Secretary Wilson as the one behind it." Her tone was aggressive, and her words carried an edge of desperation. [Y/n] looked down at the ground, her thoughts scattered, but sympathy lingered in her heart, its echoes fading as the troubled words passed. [Y/n] lowered her pistol, holstering it with purposeful resolve. The metallic click of the gun sliding into its holster reverberated, as she securely fastened it in place. However, Leon maintained his vigilance, uncertain of how to proceed.

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