Chao's In New York | 019 |

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──❝Chao's In New York❞──



"Everybody gets a dose of Rebecca's vaccine," Chris asked, diverting his focus away from the M4A1 Carbine in his hands, the mechanical clinks and whirs of the gun blending with the sound of his steady breaths. He gathered affirmative responses from the group, with some nodding in agreement while others voiced their approval. "Good. What's the status of the reinforcements?" Nadia shifted her gaze to Chris and began speaking. "BSAA and N.Y.P.D. SWAT is on the ground in the thick of it. The state police won't get there for another three hours." [Y/n] furrowed her brow, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice. "Three hours? That's too long." With a tense jaw and clenched fists, she forcefully pushed aside her mounting frustration, momentarily diverting her attention toward her shoes. Through, [Y/n] keenly felt the weight of Leon's gaze boring into her, a shiver running down her spine, but she restrained herself from turning around to meet his intense stare.

Leon's gaze was locked ahead, his expression morphing into a canvas of emotions. In the depths of his eyes, turmoil etched itself, revealing a whirlwind of sadness, anger, and an undeniable sense of determination. The deep lines on his forehead reflected the burden of his thoughts, as if each groove contained a hidden, unspoken tale. His lips were compressed into a firm line, like a sealed gate barring the entrance to the secrets that threatened to escape. The corners of his lips turned downward into a grimace, a silent declaration of the inner struggle raging within him "So that means we have to nab Arias all by ourselves. Fantastic." With aggressiveness, his well-trained fingers deftly loaded his Desert Eagle Mark XIX, firmly sliding a magazine into place, and locking it with a satisfying click. 

"Yo! The signals getting worse." Damion's voice rang out with frustration as he noticed the deteriorating quality of the signal. The room was filled with a cacophony of voices as everyone gathered around him, transfixed by the screen, witnessing a tanker truck unleashing the virus onto the streets. "They're using tanker trucks to spray the virus. He's not trying to turn a couple thousand. He's trying to turn them all," said [Y/n], her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and horror. The scene on the screen unfolded like a nightmare as the tanker truck methodically released the virus, enveloping the streets in a deadly haze. A deep frown etched itself onto Chris' face. "We need to take out those tankers," he said, his voice filled with determination. [Y/n] chimed in, "If we can stop the spread of the virus at its source, we might have a chance to contain it and save lives." 

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