Chapter 1.

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Aurora sighed, perching her chin on her right palm as she looked out of of the bay window of the school library.

"Hey," Jack said, pulling out the chair across from the black haired beauty.

"Hey Jackrabbit." Aurora greeted, a smile gracing her features.

"How were your classes?" He asked, pulling out a notebook labeled 'english'.

"They were alright. Vince wasn't in class today." Aurora says, sliding the notebook closer to herself and flipping it open to the page that was bookmarked.

"That's good." Jack says, watching her look over his English notes.

Aurora picked up a pen and scratched notes and corrections into the page, pushing a lock of long black hair behind her ear.

"How'd I do?" Jack asked, curiosity hitting him and shinning through his icy gaze.

"Sixteen out of twenty-seven. Good job Jackrabbit." She praises.

"Thanks." Jack says, handing her a wad of cash.

"Jack, we've talked about this." Aurora scolds, glaring at the wad of cash.

"I know, I know, but I also know you need it for your EMT classes." Jack says sheepishly, refusing to put it back.

"I.." she falters, her bright cheery gaze faltering and becoming somber for a moment.

"Please, Rora.." Jack pleads, and she gives in.

"Just.. just once, Jack." Aurora says firmly, slender fingers grasping the thick wad of cash.

"We'll see." He retorts with a smile.

"..just how much cash is this..?" Aurora asked, untying the rubber band and unfolding the cash to count it.

"..sixteen KO Drive in paychecks.." Jack mutters.

Aurora counts the money three times, before looking up in astonishment.

"Jack, this is almost four thousand dollars. There's no way KO paid you enough for all this." Aurora says, stunned.

"It's just enough to help.." Jack mutters.

"Jack, this covers my classes and my equipment for the next four months." Aurora mutters, looking at the cash.

"Wait.. seriously??" Jack asked in astonishment.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"It's $792 a month, this money will pay for four months plus luxury spending Jack." Aurora tells him.

Jack just laughs.


"Yes ma, I know." Aurora sighs into her phone as she hopped off the back of Jack's motorcycle.

"Sì, I wore a helmet." She laughed.

"I know, I'll tell him." Jack snorted at how Aurora was trying to quickly deal with her adopted mother, who was stationed in Mexico for a military job.

"Okay. I'll see you in a few months mama. I love you too." And with that, she hung up and slipped her phone into her back pocket.

She sighs and gives Jack a hug. "Korrinthia says hello, and to trade your bike for a mini van." Aurora says, making Jack laugh.

"What would your mom know about my bike?" Jack asked with a huff.

"Jack, she's a fighter pilot who used to race bikes like yours. She knows plenty." Aurora sighs, shaking her head.

"Tell June I'll be by later." Aurora says, turning and beginning to head for her porch, her adopted dads truck was in the driveway.

"I will, see ya tomorrow." Jack says and Aurora waves with a smile.

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