♡ frist-hand Embressment

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Karl and quackity wore pissed, I felt no remorse for George. I worned  him, to not fall to heads over heals, and watch dreams body.

If dream loves you he'll be clingy, and alot more flirty then he is with george. And george knew it.

"Woah what a come back. You sure like punzs"  quackity threw back.

"Meh." I said, "sorry not sorry. I told george dream probably didn't like him from day one by how dre acted"

"What?!" Karl said, "how would you know"

"Dreams body lamauge is obvious, it shows who he's into" punz said, "and even I know that one"

"Yeah.. they are right I act alittle diffrent around crushes" Dream aminted, "but george was more me joking.."

"...that's fucked dream he actully loved you saw forever" Karl hissed. "Who tf do you actully like"

Wait does Karl like george.. he isn't this  defensive  normally.. these is messy.

"E..er sapnap said it... I don't know who they are tho" Dream blutered out.

Now I knew that, was a lie.. maybe his crushes  wore in this room.. and he didn't want to know... hmm.

Kinda hoping it's me and my buttercup.. he does act kinda -  attached to me or punz  tackling and yelling put nicknames in the hallways.

But doesn't do it to others - he hugs them on the fly... but me and punz don't mind, it's a solid opportunity to cradle our love, of our lives.

The one we hope won't get away. As yeah I'd it's not clear me and punz write and take turns putting a note, or two in, sometimes little gifts.

"Dream any new gifts from you're secert admires recently?" I asked.

Dream nodded and greabed a fluffy teddy bear, "idk how they got it in tho.."

"Locker was jamed when I got there so maybe you accidently Jamed it?" Punz sudjusted.

"Dreams not dumb ehnogh to do that" Quackity  snaped.

"The lockers are easy to jam without realizing you did it" Karl pointed out, "so full well it could of happend"

-- later --

Quackirt pulled me outside the house, and looked me in the eyes, "why did that look like you're messy trash handwriting with a more steady hand"

I fixed my shirt-callor. "What you talking about why would it be me..? I have a boyfriend" I say as confidently as possible.

"Youre handwriting is a easy to spot one you can't lie to me" Quackity snaped, "why are you doing this?! You have punz... I thought you respected george"

That. That was a ruse, I never did because well, he knew I liked the blondes and a day later annonced to the group - dream he liked and climed george.

"Even if it was me? It's not my fault dream doesn't see george more then a friend" I say smug, shrugs, "not saying it is, why would it be"

Quackity squinted  like he was trying to see if I was lying, "fine I belive you. But if it comes out it is you I'm slapping you for going aginst bro code"

He'll me slapping two of us, though punz will hit twice as hard back.

"I knew dream longer" I shrugged, "I knew from day one dream didn't see george in a romantic way"

"And that's so six-grade" I scoffed, turned  and went to go back to my beloved, and hopefully soon to be beloved.

"This is wrong if it is you" Quackity  snaped.

"In you're jestafcation. Morally if I did? It wouldn't be worng, though frown apound" I sighed, "because apprenly you can call dibs, apon a person"

I liveing  breathing person, this is news to me, "now if you gonna contuie with you're bogas. I will be going back to my boyfriend for snuggles. And forgetting this embressement of a convocation happend"

I paused, "good night."

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