♡ Unfair.. mine

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Why the hell are those two smuge.. do they know who it is?!

Maybe it's them if it is though it's really unfair... the group all knowing I'm into dream have been for ages...

Why would they go for My crush when there a thing already... it's wrong.. and hording  when they know I'm into dream.

Maybe I'm looking to much into it, but maybe they know...

"Punz sapnap you do seem smug do you actully know who it is" I asked.

They look to echother  before at the know group looking at them.

"Maybe" punz said, "I can tell you it's not a girl"

"And there is multiple  the handwriting is diffrent" sapnap hummed, putting two notes by echother.

One was Standeren  kinda sloppy lettering - the other more cursive..

"Good point sap" Karl said, "you think there working together  or reviling?"

I really hope its reviling...  dream would reject anyone who fought over me... I keep looking in my own locker from a request to met note from dream.

It's hopeless so far.

Quackity picked up and looked at it.. did he know the hand writting?

"Quackity you have something else to ad" Dream asked with a raised brow.

Totally  forgot my handwriting is like the most noticeable  out of everyone. Punz has 3 diffrent... one cursive, semi-cersive, normal font.

Quackity was inspecting one of the notes I had written, he glanced to me and the shoke his head.

"Thought I recognized the hand writting but apprently I'm wrong"  Quackity  stammered.

Punz looked to me and pecked my lips saying under his breath, "we almost got cought... you had to point that out huh?"

"Wait how do you know its a male punz" Karl asked.

"I saw them put the note in. I have no clue whom they are they ran off when I  tried to approach" punz quickly stammered a lie.

"And you didn't chase the stalker down?!" Karl hissed, "what kind of friend are you"

"That's hard to do when you saw him for a split secound and then he ran into the crowd, so many wear the same clothes I sware" punz quickly exlimed.

No in reality, it is us. How the fuck would punz chase his own ass? He's not a mindless mut.

"Even then... whoever it is should back of.." gworge scoffed.

You arragont peice of shit 'I said I liked him frist so he's mine' manatily.

"That only applys to if they wore in the group. You can't just say dreams inherently yours when you aren't even offical" I snaped, "pepole will like him and you can't cox them to not be inlove with him for you're selfish reasons"

"What you mean sapnap" Dream asked, "I would wish.. if they aren't my crush.. for them to back off if I knew whom they are"

"Who even is you're crush" Karl asked curiously, "I totally  ship it"

"You'll know if we get together" Dream said blushing embressingly.

"Wanna tell me or george separtly?" I offered, knowing were closest with him..

"I'll keep it secert for now" Dream said smiling softly, "wanna comfirm its who I think.. it is frist"

"Ah" punz said, "understandable"

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