♡ No.. no .. crush?!

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It's kinda.. odd george seems to be annoyed, quackity seems to know something but won't say it, he glanced at sapnap before even answering.

Sapnap, punz are acting odd.. idk how to describe it... and My heart beats when ever they look at me..

Have I fallen for one? Or both of them.. no no no there ALREADY together.. this is not good.

I can't love them.. there happy together... it's wrong.. so wrong. But it feels so right.

What's this conflicting thoughts... it's a male?! Who could it be then.. if it is a male.. someone has to be giveing information.

"You seem deep in thought dream" Quackity Said, "everything alright?"

"I'm trying to peice the new information together.." I mutter, "its a male.. but I can't think of any males who show interest in me"

George looked really offended... I don't get it.

"Youre blind.. if you can't think of atleast one.. he's all over you conesntly" punz said, in a tone, one I bearly hear him use, if ever... I never knew what the tone was.

"Punz that's a abnormal tone for you to use what gives" Karl huffed, and glared at punz. "Expiclly  for you saying that."

"Eh it's a tone" punz said in his cocky fasion, "back off"

"What's it with you. You always get cold when we bring that boy up and the possibly of him being with dream" Quackity  Said rising his brow.

"Yeah punz you always get cold. What the hell" george sqeeked, in a proud fasion.

"Who are you even talking about" I asked.

"Senice he himself won't spill it I will, the fact you don't look at him how he wants" sapnap sighed sitting up, "he's kinda annoying, glued on ur side like a parasite, brit, tusyandere"

He just dicribed  george.. I looked to george, everyone's eyes widdend.

"Sapnap what the fuck. That wasn't for you to say" Karl hissed, "george wasn't ready yet and you know that"

"Sapnap has been pushing that with me tho.. sudjusting george in that regard" I mentioned, I rubbed my neck.

This sleep over is about to be really aqward.

"Really.. what you say dreamie..?" George said blushing abit. "Wanna chance it and be mine"

Quackity and karl smiled, probably  thinking they'd see a new relationship  bloom, I was quiet as I looked to punz and sapnap who's expression gave off fuck all, and ... something.. maybe jealously?!

I'm imaging that.. why would they be jealous expiclly sapnap.

"W-well.." I stammered, "how do I put this... a soft as a feather.."

"You don't have to be gentel about accepting!" George giggled, clearly thinking I liked him his hand on my thigh.

"Accepting..?" I mutter going quiet and looking off.

"Y-yeah you like me don't you?! You  always flirt and whine for my love"  george exlimed, "d-dont you?"

"Um..." I mutter and look to sapnap.

"His heart goes to the note giver.." sapnap said, "he said.."

Well it's not what I said, but... sapnap is covering my ass.

"I-i.." George teared up and left the room.

"Sapnap why the hell did you rip off the band-aid"  Quackity  snaped at him, "that didn't need to been done today if ever"

Sapnap shrugged, "felt like it, he was bitchy"

"Youre a dick" Karl said.

"I like dick to" sapnap hummed.

Me and punz luaghed at it.

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