•PART 2•

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A few weeks go by, Ace and Eta grow to be really close friends. Eta has grown quite fond of Ace, letting each other get closer physically and mentally. After around 2 weeks of being in the large, unknown laboratory, learning almost everything about the place, they find a large library. In the center of the library, there is a tree planted into the ground, growing mandarins, and underneath the tree lies a large red beanbag. You sit down in the beanbag chair as Eta walks over to the bookshelf. The book shelfs are filled with books on experimentation, genetic altering, and a few comic books. Eta picks up one of the books explaining the altering genetics linked with liquid latex, he flips to a random page, then starts reading.


Latex, specifically THIS liquid latex was made to genetically modify human beings, turning them, or might I say transform them into anthropomorphic beings, such as cats, dogs, anything of the sort. Depending on the latex type and color, people will be genetically modified. Scientists are creating this "masterpiece" to solve things like uncurable illnesses such as stage 4 cancer, Marburg disease, and any other sort of virus or sickness unable to be cured by mankind. Although, research has shown that people who do get transformed into the Latex beings, lose all of memory or consciousness they have. This also leads to others getting transformed into the Latex. Also making them lose consciousness and spreading the latex around.

Both you and Eta look at each other, confused and also slightly shocked. Eta puts the book back and pauses for a moment before turning toward you. "That... was not what I expected to read in this strangely abandoned lab or whatever-" explained Eta, walking toward you and taking a seat next to you on the floor, crossing his legs and stretching out. As you and Eta sit in dead silence for a moment, before you look out a near by window. Of course, the town seems like a wreck. there are flipped over cars, broken windows on buildings, dumpster fires and destroyed homes visible from the view of the window.

Suddenly, you hear a ventilation shaft turn on, you look around to see that there is in fact a vent up in the wall. You pull a table close to the vent, and climb on it. Since you are made of a liquid latex, you can fit in the ventilation shaft no problem. you crawl in and go a random direction. Eta looks at you, confused. He doesn't say or mention anything though. As you crawl in random ways through the confusing ventilation shafts, you find yourself at another wall. you look in through the vent cover to see a door to leave the building. you once again liquify yourself and seep right through the vent cover. you make a small splat as you land on the floor, but you don't feel any pain. You take a moment before literally recollecting yourself and try to open the door. The exit was poorly locked, so you give it a good kick and body slam to open it. You fall on the ground on the other side of the door, looking around to find yourself in the same abandoned and wrecked city you used to call home. Although it seems a bit more modern compared to when you were first kidnapped and brought to this mysterious laboratory. you stand up and start walking around, the smell in the air is dusty and stale, pretty dry too. The now old city seems eerie and almost dangerous to roam. You take a walk through an empty alleyway to find some sort of black hole, though it doesn't suck you in, it shows an empty white void on the other side, sort of like a strange portal. You decide that you are going to avoid going into the strange portal for now, and wander around the old city. Upon further inspection, there seem to be more than just one portal, all seeming to go to the same place. Is this some sort of modern day transportation method? you ask yourself, stopping in your tracks to look into one of the portals. they glow a bright white, bright enough to hurt your eyes on first glance. You approach one of the portals and stick your head in it, looking around to find only an infinite void. After a few moments of hesitation, you walk in. the temperature in the void is fairly comfortable, and the air is definitely cleaner. The portal closes behind you silently. You start to worry about Eta for a while, pacing in a small circle. After a while, you decide to give up on Eta, you wont be seeing him anyway, so what's the point? You walk in a straight line for a long while, before realizing you are probably completely lost. After a long... long time of walking, you grow tired and take a seat on the floor, before you see what seems to be thousands and thousands of polaroid images hung up on an infinitely long string from the top of the void. You notice how the photos keep on appearing almost every second. You carry your tired gooey legs over to one of the photos hanging up to see something that seems to have came out as some ones memory. You pause for a moment before getting the idea that these were infact memories.

After a moment of looking at a few of the photos, you think to yourself "What the fuck is going on? first I get kidnaped, then transformed into a weird human-ish shark goo thing, then I go into a weird white void or whatever filled with random peoples memories? That's some weird shit right there." After complaining for a while, Some sort of glitchy portal spawns inside of the void, bringing in seemingly humans with weapons of all kinds. they aim a gun at you and yell harshly. "HEY YOU, YOU'RE THE MEMORY GUARD, RIGHT?" One of them ask, pointing a gun to your head. You freeze in place for a moment, shocked by the whole scenario. "I- I guess I am...?" You reply hesitantly, taking a few steps back, looking for an easy way out. The strange yet threatening armed team of people look at you for a moment before approaching the polaroid images and putting them in a bag. You get the feeling that they shouldn't be doing that, but you keep silent, not wanting to get shot. The armed group of people open up another portal and leave. You notice that they didn't bring a big enough bag for  all of the photos, considering the fact that more of them appear almost every millisecond.

(god this series is taking forever :3)

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