Meeting The Brothers

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"Really? I assumed you'd want to be on camera because you have a very camera ready look." The turtle in the blue mask says as he smiles nervously.

"Nope! No. Not ever on camera." April says.

"Okay." The turtle in the blue mask says.

"So uh what about you um...?" The turtle in the orange mask asks as he looks at Alexis.

"Alexis and my sister is April. And to answer your question I am into fencing. I'm actually on the school team." Alexis says.

"Wow. That's so cool." The turtle in the orange ask says as he smiles.

"Thanks." Alexis says as she smiles softly at the turtle in the orange mask.

"Listen we're down here researching this story on Superfly and his string of super crimes. The police have been talking about implementing this curfew if they don't find him soon. It spooked the parents and they canceled prom. We're trying to help bring you know justice so everyone can chill out or whatever. But this! Turtle mutant karate teens. I mean this is a pretty good story." April says as she smiles happily.

"Look. I don't know if we should." The turtle in the red mask says as he stands up nervously.

"Why not? This is so good!" April says as alexis puts her hand on her shoulder.

"April. Look at them. They clearly don't want people knowing. You should understand that considering certain circumstances." Alexis says as April looks at her before sighing.

"Okay. Fine. I won't publish the story. But can I at least ask why." April says as she looks at the turtles.

"We were taught that humans would try to destroy us if they ever found out we existed. You know? Kill us or try to put us in a lab and milk us." The turtle in the purple mask says as Alexis and April look at him confusedly before at each other.

"We understand. Maybe not that last bit we understand your concerns. Or one of us does anyway. Either way we won't say anything." Alexis says kindly.

"Thanks. We appreciate it." The turtle in the purple mask says.

"Look human girls. I got a question. So just be straight with me. Do you think there are more people out there like you? You know? People who will accept us?" The turtle in the orange mask asks.

"No. Absolutely not." April says.

"I'm sorry but no. I mean we nearly freaked out seeing you. Other people on the other hand may not be so kind in their reactions. Whoever taught you what they did about humans they weren't entirely too far off. Humans can and will destroy what they don't understand in fear. But that doesn't mean there aren't some good ones out there. You just have to find them." Alexis says as the turtle in the orange mask looks at her curiously before he and the others begin to walk off.

"Wait. If I am being honest... The reason my sister and I aren't scared of you is well because you helped us out. But if you hadn't and we just stumbled across you then yeah we'd be very scared. we'd be really freaked out actually." April says as she picks up the pizza box and holds it out to the turtles as they stop and each take a piece of pizza.

"So um anyway aside from that you guys know our names so uh what are yours?" Alexis asks curiously.

"You want to know our names?" The turtle in the purple mask asks in surprise.

"Well yeah. I mean we told you ours. It would be fair." Alexis says kindly.

"Well um I'm Leonardo and these are my brothers Donatello." The turtle in the blue mask says.

"Hey." Donatello says as he smiles.

"Raphael." Leonardo says.

"Hi." Raphael says bluntly.

"And Michelangelo." Leonardo says.

"Hey. What's up?" Michelangelo asks as he smiles shyly at Alexis.

"I like those names. Very artistic." Alexis says as she smiles kindly.

"Thanks. We uh like them too." Leonardo says before the group hears a buzzing sound.

"Sorry. That's our mom. She's texting me." April says as she hands Raphael the pizza box while taking out her phone.

"Dad is texting us! he's freaking out a bit." Donatello says as he looks at his phone.

"Well uh at least all parents are the same." April says nervously.

"Oh a hundred percent." Leonardo says.

"Yeah. For sure." Michelangelo says as he smiles.

"Our dad is definitely not a giant rat." Donatello says.

"That makes me feel like he's a rat. Well I'll airdrop you mine and my sister's contacts and if you ever feel like you wanna come out into the world or whatever just let us know. I would love to write a story about it. Seriously." April says as she and Alexis head up the stairs to the door of the building.

"I think they get it April. Night guys and thanks for helping us out." Alexis says as she smiles at the brothers before heading inside with April.

More Than Enough To Me TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Michelangelo X OC AlexisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora