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Peter had made the decision to actually go to the academic decathlon extremely last minute, barely getting there before the bus left

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Peter had made the decision to actually go to the academic decathlon extremely last minute, barely getting there before the bus left. He had rushed there, out of breath by the time he made it to the school. Thankfully, the rest of the group were all happy to see him and he didn't have to even ask to be allowed back on the team.

He was wearing Caleb's blazer instead of his own, and Caleb was wearing his; he wasn't exactly sure why but he liked the feeling of sharing clothes with him now, it felt almost too intimate for being 'just friends'. Peter also liked it because nobody except them knew what they were doing.

They sat next to each other on the bus, sharing earbuds while listening to music that they both liked, ignoring the chaos from their classmates around them. They didn't hold hands, Peter was too nervous to do that in front of people now, so instead they opted to let their hands fall together to touch naturally in the space between them.

It was a relatively long drive, just over four hours, but they stayed together so the time seemed to go just a little bit faster. They did some prep for the actual decathlon before being allowed to just talk for the rest of the journey. Peter knew he would never get tired of just hearing Caleb talk about the things he loved; music, art, Star Wars, his dog, Chicago, because he just loved his voice. 

Peter was almost disappointed when they got to the hotel, silently wishing he could just stay on the bus and drive for hours while talking to Caleb about anything and everything. He seriously just loved hearing his voice and the way it got slightly higher when he talked about something he liked.

He started to realize the way he picked up on the little details of Caleb; his voice changes, the crease in his eyebrows when he's confused, the way he fidgets with his shirt whenever he gets nervous, his nose scrunch when he's upset, the endless innuendos he joked about, and overall the way he had become so much more comfortable around Peter in the last week or so.

Seriously, he was down ridiculously bad.

Peter stayed by Caleb as they walked into the hotel with the rest of their group, "Hey, do you want to share a room with me and Ned?" he asked, his voice cracking. "I know it's only supposed to be two people in a room but I don't think anyone would even notice if we shared."

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