Vol 1 | Chapter 4 | Ambitions

Start from the beginning

Tanya seemed to wait patiently as I did this, however afterwards I decided to not waste anymore time and jumped straight to the point, "Tanya, I wanted to ask, you're friends with Veldora, Right?"

Tanya was startled, and while she didn't make it obvious that she was, a look at her face showed how shocked she was to see that I knew about Veldora.

"How did you-"

"You don't need to worry about it! I'm friends with Veldora as well!" I interrupted, hoping to make sure she didn't jump to any possibly dangerous conclusions.

Tanya still seemed a bit confused, but gradually began to understand the situation, "I see, I take it you've eaten him then?"

"Eh?! How did you-"

"You're a slime who's main strength is his ability to eat things and you seem capable of naming numerous monsters without seemingly much strain on yourself or your magicules. When I named Eiga, I had this internal magicule source that was used to name her, I'd imagine Veldora's magicules allowed you to name all of them without problem in much the same way."

"I suppose when you put it like that... It does seem kind of obvious."

"It doesn't help that you seemed to appear just after Veldora disappeared, too. I probably would've noticed a village of evolved Goblins. I've seen some Ogres and Lizardmen, but no Hobgoblins or anything of the sort, so I knew this village was probably newer, or at least the residents had evolved recently."

"Ah, I see... I plan on keeping my connection with Veldora a secret, but he mentioned a demon named Tanya being his friend, so I thought it would only be respectful to inform you about his disappearance."

"My question is why did you eat him? He's a powerful storm dragon, I doubt he would've allowed himself to simply be eaten, and your magicules are nowhere near his so clearly you didn't fully absorb him."

"Oh no, it's nothing like that! I'm trying to free him!"

"You can do that?"

"In a few hundred years or so. If I had stayed in that cave to do it, I would've gotten bored."

"Understandable. I take it he named you then. I was wondering who would name some random slime they met, though if you were intelligent before that's a whole other scenario. I don't recall ever encountering an intelligent slime before, I assumed it was because you evolved from naming."

I shook my head, though it was much more like turning my entire body as I was entirely a head. "No, I was intelligent before. From what I can tell I'm an exception to slimes since I was reincarnated, though I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone. Since we're both friends of Veldora I thought I could trust you with that secret."

"I see... I suppose I'll tell you one of my own then, I am also reincarnated. I must ask though, what country are you from? Albion? Legadonia? Ildoa? The Empire?"

So she is an otherworlder! But I've never heard of any of those countries. Perhaps my aim to meet other Japanese people might be a stretch if there's people from more worlds than my own sent here. "I'm afraid I've never heard of any of those countries. I'm from a country called Japan."

"Japan?! Like Earth?!" Tanya seemed more startled than before. It appears she anticipated me to be from her world, but strangely she seems to know about Earth, too. Has she been reincarnated before? Maybe she's met other otherworlders who were from that world.

"Yeah! Are you from there as well?" I asked, slouching to the side.

"In my first life, yes I was. This is not my first time being reincarnated. I was born in Japan and died before being reincarnated as a little girl in the middle of a World War. What set it apart from Earth was the existence of magic, though it was far from the extent that this world seems to have. From there I died in combat and was reborn here as a demon, though I still seem capable of using some of my old abilities."

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