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California, Encino
December 18th

Y/n Pov

"Wake up kiddos! It's finally the 18th!" Ma shouts, knocking on mine and Daniel's doors.

I look over to my clock, noticing it's early morning, too early to be waking up that early on winter break.

"It's too early!" I shout back, my voice not even being loud because I'm not fully awake.

"It's never too early for cake!" Ma responds, bursting open my door with Daniel by her side.

"What flavour cake?" I ask, sitting up in bed and yawning.


I instantly get up throwing my covers onto the floor and following Ma and Daniel out the kitchen where a chocolate cake sits on the counter, two candles on the top.

"I don't want to be an adult." I complain, being as I turn the big 18 today.

"It's your golden birthdays." Ma smiles, cutting the cake into three big pieces.

Me and Daniel look at each other confused.

"When you turn the age your birthday falls on, your birthdays on the 18th and your turning 18." She explains.

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard." Daniel says.

"Just shut up and eat your cake." Ma smiles, pushing a massive slice of cake towards each of us.

After we eat our cake, leaving most of it for later, we crash down onto the couch, opening our presents.

I got a few band tees, mostly Queen and The Smiths, as they were my favourite. I also got a few cassettes which had been pre-recorded, but I'd have to play them on my radio.

After a few hours of eating cake for breakfast and binging movies, Daniel gets up and announces that he's going to Mr Miyagi's for a few hours.

"Bye Daniel!" Ma shouts after him.
"So, you seeing your boyfriend today?" She asks, turning towards me.

"He's not my boyfriend, Ma! And I hope so, I haven't seen him a few days."

The past month, me and Bobby have been hanging out after school mostly every day and trying to meet up as often as we can on weekends.

Whereas for Ali and Daniel, they still haven't decided whether they forgive each other.

As I concentrated on watching the movie, the phone rang snapping me out of my stare at the screen.

I leaped off of the couch hoping to pick up the phone and hear Bobby's phone but instead hearing Ali and the girls screaming "Happy Birthday!" into the phone.

"Thanks guys!" I laugh.

"Hey, we're going to the arcade and we're picking you up in 20 minutes, be outside!" Barbara says before hanging up the phone.

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