Chapter 14

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Chapter title- Rescue you

•Claire's pov•
We step in the dining room and close the doors.
I hold Jamie's hand and stand close to him.
"Where can we help ye with Dougal?" I ask nervously.
"Not much, ye two just have to do something for me," he says grinning.
His smile chills my bones to their very marrow.
Jamie looks at me briefly and then back at Dougal. "What exactly is that?"
"I need you to get your marriage annulled, so Claire can marry me,"
I immediately shake me head. "No, absolutely no way!"
"I'm no' getting my marriage annulled!" Jamie says and he sounds angry.
"Colum is dying and he won't give me Leoch if I'm wi'out a wife,"
Jamie laughs sarcastically. "There are a lot of woman out there who should love to become the wife of a laird, ye precisely picked the one ye canna have," he holds my hand ever tighter now.
"I ken, but they're all old and ugly," he says taking a step forward. "Claire is bonnie and young, the perfect wife," he sticks out his arm to touch my face but Jamie cuts him off.
"Touch her, and yer dead,"
I give his hand a small tap and I walk out of the room.
Jamie starts to argue with Dougal and I run outside to my favorite place close to the woods and water.
A few minutes pass when I hear someone behind me.
I turn my head and see Jamie, he looks really worried.
"Well?" I ask hopeful.
"The bastard won't budge, he already send a letter to a lawyer," he says and I sigh.
"Shh.. I won't let anything happen to ye," he hugs me and I bury my face in his chest.
"Claire I'm no' strong enough to protect ye maybe,"
I immediately let go of his hug. "No! You ARE strong! You're the strongest I know!"
He smiles. "I may no' be as strong as he is Sassenach, but he'll take ye over my dead body,"
He puts his hand on my cheek and I give in to his hug again.
"Everything is going to be fine, and don't you dare worry over it," he says brushing trough my hair.
I laugh softly. "I won't,"
We walk back and Jamie goes wi' Dougal to make some 'arrangements' while I stay back at Lallybroch.
~The next day~
I've been working all day to get my mind of things, so when I hear hooves come on the stone at the end of the day I rush outside.
Jamie hops of the horse and hands it to the stable boy.
I walk to him and take him in my embrace.
It must have been a hard day, pretending to divorce your wife so I don't let go until he loosens himself.
"How was your day?" I ask taking his head.
"Well, no one died,"
I laugh. "Those are your standards?"
"For the man who's trying to get my wife and I to divorce, aye," he says and I kiss him.
"I love you," I whisper and take him inside.
Before I can get in I hear footsteps coming from the gate.
I look up to see Laoghaire.
"Where's yer crazy husband? Ye Ken why he's crazy, because he married ye!" She says with a wicked laugh.
"Where he is? I don't know, probably doing crazy things, like doing me," I say and her expression changes immediately.
Jamie walks out and looks at me. "Sassenach what is taking ye so long,"
I nudge my head to Laoghaire and when he sees her he sighs.
"Christ Laoghaire, do ye never stay away then?" He sound absolutely annoyed.
"No, I was wondering if yer interested in anything with me?" She asks while I'm literally standing between them.
I can feel Jamie tense and I rest my hand on his hand.
"Ye are normal so no," he says grinning.
"Define normal," she says irritated.
"Yer normal. Claire's special, something you'll never be," he says and takes me arm and leads me inside.
He laughs until we reach the living room.
We don't hear Laoghaire coming from behind us until I feel a sharp pain trough my calf.
"Ah! Christ what is that?" I groan in pain falling to my knee.
Laoghaire is standing behind me with a knife and then I see the cut she made.
She looks shocked and runs off.
I sit on the ground and Jamie kneels beside me. "Your leg is bleeding,"
"Oh really? I hadn't noticed that half of my goddamned blood was flowing out of my leg, but thanks for letting me know," I say laughing.
"Not everything is a joke, Sassenach. Ye could verra well die," he says putting some cloth on the wound.
"I'm fine, just dizzy," I put my arms on the floor and lean back me head a bit.
"Jamie, no one is home, except the children, but you have to dress and mend the wound,"
"Me? I can't Claire, I don't know how?" He says shaking his head.
"I'll guide you trough it, just grab it some alcohol, a needle and treat and some cloth,"
He runs of and a minute later he's back with all the stuff.
I turn myself on my stomach so Jamie can work on my leg. "Alright, first a bit of alcohol in the wound,"
He carefully pour some in and I groan. "Alright now you got to stitch it up,"
"Just, I put the needle in once side of the wound and over the wound trough the other side and pull together a bit, and just repeat,"
He nods and does as I say.
"Holy god, sometimes I forget what I make people feel when I do this," I groan and Jamie laughs.
"Well, got a taste of your own medicine! Is that the right thing to say?"
"Yes, and it's very appropriate since I'm a doctor,"
Jamie laughs again and finishes stitching.
"Alright now a little more alcohol in the wound, and then wrap some cloth around it,"
"Alright, you should rest a bit," he says picking me up.
"I love you, and thank you," I say and I curl up to him.
He sits on the couch and I keep sitting on his lap.
"Are ye really going to sleep like this?"
I nod and kiss his color bones. "Yes,"

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