Chapter 8

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This chapter is short! And I know, but I'm trying to make the next ones longer!

Chapter title-

•Claire's pov•
~3 Days Later~
"Owww!" I cry out.
Jamie sits up in an instant. "What is it?"
"This..." I grunt. "Piece of wood, stabbed me in my back,"
Jamie smiles. "Canna wait to let ye sleep on a normal bed again,"
I stand up. "Thank you for your "are you okay" kiss," I take a step away but Jamie pulls my arm.
I stumble and fall on top of him. "Jezus H Roosevelt Christ Jamie, I could've broken my back,"
"Well that didn't happen so,"
He kisses my back on the spot where the wood pierced me.
I smile, kiss his lips and stand up again.
Faith is laying next to Fergus and he has his arm right next to her.
"They are adorable together, he's so protective over her. Like a brother should be," I say and Jamie's standing behind me now.
He wraps his arms around me. "Aye, our beautiful children,"
I nod. "Where is Murtagh?" I ask when I don't see him laying at his spot.
"Probably walking around, like he does every early morning,"
I look at Jamie. "Does he?" I never noticed.
"Aye, but ye are always asleep then," he kisses me on the side of my head.
I smile and wake up Fergus and Faith.
"Goodmorning darlings, we have to go again, maybe we can make it to Lallybroch before supper," I say picking up Faith.
"Alright Milady," Fergus says and he immediately gets ready to go.
I hold Faith while she wakes up but I still don't see Murtagh. "Where is Murtagh? Is he still not back?"
"Aye, he was here, went to fetch the horses," Jamie says walking to me.
"Do you want to take Faith on the horses today?"
"You mean that you trust me wi' her on the horses?" Jamie asks teasing.
"Very funny Jamie, you do have to support her in every way. Her head, arms and legs,"
He takes her from my arms. "She has grown, Christ,"
"I know, she grows so fast she's almost one and a half years," I say pouting my mouth.
"I'll give ye a new bairn, a sibling for wee Faith," he says kissing her forehead and my lips.
"I like that," I grin and we walk to the horses.
"There you are Murtagh, Fergus is already by the horses," I say and he nods.
"Okay Jamie. Sit on the horse I will hand you Faith then," I say taking Faith again.
"Yer trusting Jamie wi' yer bairn?" Murtagh asks confused.
Jamie sighs and I look at Murtagh. "I do, only if he's careful,"
Jamie is sitting on the horse now and I hand Faith to him.
"Put her down, yes alright and know let her head lean back on your belly," I say and Jamie does what I say. "Put her arms down and wrap your plaid around the both of you,"
He does and I think she's safe.
"Good, now Faith if something's wrong call for Mama or Da okay?"
"Okay mama," she says sweetly and leans back against Jamie.
The sight is very sweet. "O god, I'm going to melt, your so cute together,"
Jamie smiles brightly. "We are, aren't we A Leannan?" He says kissing her long copper locks of curly hair.
"I'm going to go on my horse before I'm going to faint right here," I say joking and I get on.
"Faith darling, stay close to your father alright?"
She nods and we start to ride.
We are on our way for hours when I see the road to Lallybroch.
"Home," I say softly.
"Aye it is, our beautiful home, wi' our beautiful family,"
Jamie looks at Faith who had fallen asleep.
"She smiles in her sleep, did you see that?"
"Your so adorable, M'annsachd," he whispers and we ride on.
I get off the horse first and take Faith in my arms.
She still asleep but she wakes up when she hear the running from our family.
"Oh my darlings, yer home," Ellen says hugging me.
Faith opens her eyes and sees her grandma.
"Grandma!" She says happily reaching for her.
"Oh my sweet lass," Ellen says taking her from me.
I look at Jamie and he plants a kiss on my head.
"Culloden isn't happening then?" She asks with a smile.
"It probably will. We just send everyone home for a while to spend time and make memories."
She nods disappointed but she smiles again when Faith starts giggling.
"Grandda!" She says when Brian comes out.
"My granddaughter, you're safe. Ye took good care of yer parents I see," he says taking her in his embrace.
"Yes, da even die," she says smiling.
"Yer da even died?" Brian says confused.
She nods. "Mama help him and I care him all day!" She says proudly.
"Ye might want to explain that to us," Ellen says grinning.
Jamie smiles and holds my hand.
"Ye didna die I see," Jenny says walking to us from behind.
I immediately go to her and give her a big hug.
"Not yet, who knows what will happen in a few months," I say softly.
She nods and goes to Jamie.
He takes her in his embrace and I walk inside.
"I'll get yer room ready," Ellen says walking upstairs.
I follow her. "Do you think Jamie will fight? In Culloden?"
"Aye, I do. Jamie.. he's a stubborn man. He would fight any war for you and Faith. To make it safe for ye, he wouldn't think for a second,"
I smile and we make to room ready.
We eat supper and talk some short stories at the fire.
"I'm going to bed, and take Faith wi' me. I'll see you later?" I say to Jamie and he nods.
"Goodnight everyone," I say and I take Faith things with me upstairs.
I'm only in my shift when Jamie comes in the room.
"Ah there you are," I say and I step in bed.
He nods and undresses himself until he's in his shirt.
He stares at me. "Yer bonnie Lass,"
I look at him and I smile. God I loved him.
He lays beside me and I wrap my arms around him.
"Jamie, I don't want you to fight at Culloden," I say after a few minutes.
I feel his muscles tense and he sits up.
"Why no'?"
I sigh. "I don't want to lose you. Barely any highlanders survived,"
"I told ye I was seeing you and Faith safe," he says and he sounds annoyed.
"It's not about me and Faith, Jamie. I want you safe too," I say and I'm upset now.
"Ye ken I've thought about how I was going to see you and Faith save. And I've found a way," he says and he sounds calm.
"If the time comes, ye and Faith will go back trough the stones,"
My heart sinks until it's completely out of my body.
"What? What do you mean Jamie?" I say and I step out of bed.
"I want there to be someone to care for you two if I canna do that any longer,"
"No! No Jamie no! I'm not going back, not for any reason I will!" I yell at him and he stands up too.
"Claire, ye won't have a choice! Think about Faith! She needs a father. If I'm dead, she doesna have anyone who could possibly be that for her.. except Frank,"
"No! Shut up Jamie! I won't go back!" I yell again a and he looks angry now.
"Yes you will! I need someone to care for ye both and I canna do that if I'm death and rotting in the ground,"
I can feel my heart coming back and just break.
"You won't be rotting in the ground Jamie. You'll be home with us," I say much calmer now.
"No, I will be rotting in the ground. So ye have yer choice, ye leave with Faith now, this moment. Or later, when the change is still there," he says but he still sounds angry.
"No! I won't go back, no matter if you force me, I canna do that Faith... or you,"
He sighs. "Ye must Claire, I canna die knowing yer not safe,"
"I won't go back to Frank! What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if he blames me for leaving? What if he'll only take me if I abandon Faith?"
"If he doesna want ye he's a damn fool, and he may not be the kindest but I dinna think he's that rude," he say jokingly.
"Fuck you Jamie! You're joking about this while my heart is fucking breaking! I won't go back!"
"You don't have a choice! I'm just trying to keep you and Faith safe, but apparently I may not protect my family anymore," He yells.
"Not if we both know we'll only suffer of it!"
He sighs and walks off.

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