Chapter 38 - The King

Start from the beginning

Again, nothing.

I start to worry. I'm leaning over the edge of my seat. "Merlin!" I shout louder this time.

When he still doesn't respond I quickly rise to my feet. I reach my hands over the table and grasp his slim shoulder. I give him a rough shake.

"MERLIN!" I yell at him.

He suddenly bolts up to his feet, shaking my hands off from the sudden movement. I stumble back a little before I see him start to head for the door. I recover from my surprise and quickly grab his elbow, pulling him back.

"What are you doing?!"

He starts to struggle. I feel him trying to wriggle his way out of my grip.

"What's wrong? What has gotten into you?!"

I spin him around. He looks frantic. his pupils are blown wide. He now starts to push my hand off him.

"Gaius! What's wrong with him?!" I call to Gaius, making sure to keep my grip on him.

"I don't know!" He calls back.

"Can you stop him?"

"I can try. Hold him for awhile longer."

I nod and pin Merlin's arms behind his back. I hear Gaius rush over to the shelf. The glass potion bottles clatter against each other as Gaius carefully shoves them out of the way.

Merlin manages to wretch an arm out of my grip before Gaius approaches, placing a cloth over his nose and mouth. Suddenly, he stops flailing. His arms go limp and his eye lids droop. Soon, they shut, his legs give way causing him to collapse towards the floor. I reach out my arms and catch him before he hits the ground. I hoist him into my arms, breathing heavily from the scuffle.

"What did you do to him?" I ask Gaius.

"I administered a sleeping draft. He should wake in the morning. For now you should let him rest in his chambers."

I nod, proceeding to carry him up the steps towards his chamber door. He's surprisingly light in my arms despite the food he just ate. One of his arms dangle from his side, almost reaching to the floor. I push open the door with my back before dropping him gently onto the mattress. I pull the blanket up to his chin before grabbing the small wooden chair from the corner of the room. I pull it across the floor until it's situated beside the bed and sit down, hearing it creak under my weight.

Gaius enters the chamber a few moments later, a candle flickering faintly in his hand.

"You should head back to your chambers as well sire. You need rest. I can send a knight to fetch you when he wakes," The physician says politely, walking in and placing the candle on the nightstand.

"No. I'm staying here," I respond, not looking away from Merlin.

"Arthur, you need to rest. Camelot will still need its king tomorrow. How do you expect to run the kingdom when you can't even keep your eyes open?"

"I can sleep here."

I hear Gaius sigh. "I'll get you a blanket."

I finally look at him, giving him a grateful smile before he turns to leave the room. I look back at Merlin. He's sleeping soundly. The moonlight casts a faint glow on his face, defining his cheekbones. He's curled into his side now, his arms tucked under the blanket.

I gently move a stray lock of hair away from his forehead before Gaius enters again, carrying a blue blanket. He hands it to me before turning around to leave. He stops when he reaches the door. "If you need anything feel free to ask," he says with a smile.

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