"It is a letter for my mother, please give it to her. She will greatly appreciate it," I order him.

He nods. "I will tell her I found it laying outside the palace."

"I will remember your sacrifice you have made for me, Ugene."

"When will you be back?"

"Soon, there is a ball presenting at a gentleman's home, I must be there for Arabella, then I will break the news to the family that I will not be working for them any longer," I explain my plan. I then will succeed on bringing myself back to the kingdom, announcing to my mother that I have found my queen, sharing the world my face, and bringing myself back to Arabella in hopes of marrying me.

"You work for her family?" He asks.

"I do, I have someone else joining the kingdom as well. His name is Bridger, he is the only one to know about myself."

"How can you trust him?" He looks frightened.

"He has known all along, he was waiting for me to share myself," I say.

"Alright..." He trails. "Before I make haste, is this truly what you want, my king?"

"I have never wanted this anymore in my life than I do now. I have never been sure of something, until now," I answer to him with a soft smile.

"I shall see you soon," he bids me goodbye, walking towards his horse he has hooked to a picket fence. Saluting me, he rushes down the hill, on his way to deliver a message to the princess- my mother.


~ Third person's pov ~

The palace has been deadly quiet since the princess has locked herself away from her people. Still no sign of the king, and audible cries from the princess's bedroom is all the guards hear nowadays. The princess is angry with her son for leaving her in such of a mess, but mostly, she is worried for him and his safety.

He was not the most likeable throughout the country and she has wondered if he had been napped from under her nose. Like a thief in the night, the princess finds no trace of her beloved son.

Ugene is terribly frightened when knocking on the princess's door after coming back from his meeting with the certain missing king. He holds the letter bare, awaiting for the right for entrance.

"You shall enter," the princess gives out to him, and he takes the lead in opening the door.

Ugene shivers from the cold room, it is darken with grief and he watches a mother weep over her very son. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs to make this madness go away, but he also wished to bring loyalty upon the king. He was his friend.

"Ugene," the princess greets, standing from the window in hopes of any sudden news.

"I have brought a letter, it has your name written on it." Ugene holds out the paper with shaky hands, and the princess eyes the paper. She hopes it is not an announce of her son's death, she wants to believe he is still alive.

The princess grips the paper, unfolding it and her eyes stumble upon a letter written by the king himself. Her son. She cannot help but cry out, crumbling to the floor and Ugene quickly brings her back to her feet, his arms round her waist seeming that she cannot stand on her own two feet.

She reads over the words her son wrote.


You mustn't worry over me. I am in safe hands and I will be back home right away. I have left to gather a bit of freedom from the palace walls that haunt me of the memories of father. I have also news that I will share once I make my ways back home. Please do not let anymore people worry, I am proving to you that I am well by writing this letter. I do hope all is well at the palace, I do miss it dearly. Where I am now brings me more peace than I have ever been in life, I am happy, heathy, and being taken care of. I am not far, just right under your nose if I must say. I love you, mother, I shall see you soon.

Sincerely, Jaxson

"He is well, he is alive," the princess announces to Ugene who braces a relieved expression.

He sighs. "So, it is from him. All is well?"

"All is well," she breathes out, smiling. "He says he is not far, I bet he is staying in the village somewhere..."

"That may not mean he is in the village, your highness..." Ugene disagrees.

The princess would not stop until her son was brought back. She then orders for her guards, they walk in right away, standing firm and tall, waiting for her cues.

"Seize him," the princess orders.

Ugene's eyes widen with much fear, he shakes his head in worry. He speaks. "I have not done such things, why are you doing this?!"

Guards take either side of him, and he shakes them off with much strength. That is why he has been ordered to be the king's courtier. The princess swiftly faces him, anger building inside of her soul.

"Do you really believe I think you have nothing to do with this?" She spits out, walking near. "I will not rest until my son is found, and you will not either because you are heading to the dungeons until he is brought back. Perhaps, you can share where he is to save yourself?"

"I have no idea what you are speaking of, your highness." Ugene stands tall, gazing upon the woman that used to be queen. "I am the king's courtier, you will not seize me."

"As of right now, I am in charge, the king is not here right now," she hums out.

More guards fill the room, grabbing ahold of Ugene and his whole body shivers with fear. He wishes to tell the princess, but he will not rebel against his king, even if he shall be ridden to the dungeons.

Ugene thrashes against the guards who pull him away from the princess and he yells for peace. Pleading with the princess will not work, she thought. She will not let anyone in her way of finding ehr son, even if that means killing her courtier.

Ugene scrambles to his feet but to his dismay, he is being dragged across the kingdom's floors. How dare they handle him this way, he thought.

The guards are quiet, only huffing against their metal helmets whenever Ugene fights against them. They lift his body as they take the stairs, throwing him inside the dark, flooded dungeon. The smell of vomit and feces is all Ugene can comprehend. His ears ring with anger, his breathing has hungered, and he is sure his face has reddened.

The king will be angry when he finds out of this, Ugene can only hope that Jaxson will return soon.

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