Chapter 54: One little surgery

Start from the beginning

Stella: no is dursty

Madeline: okay interesting. Okay well I'll go bring her to get it checked out. Thanks for telling me!

Mrs. Gracey: no problem! Bye sweet girl!

Madeline: *calls Jason*

Jason: hey

Madeline: hey can you pick Rhett up from daycare today? I'm bringing Stella to the doctor.

Jason: yeah sure! What's up with Stella?

Madeline: you know how she's been saying her throats thirsty for the past few weeks?

Jason: yeah

Madeline: well her teacher said that she noticed her making sounds that sounded like she was trying to clear her throat all morning. She said it didn't hurt but I wanna make sure nothings going on

Jason: yeah that's kinda weird. Definitely get that checked on. Keep me posted

Madeline: okay I will see you later

Jason: okay bye

Madeline: bye

*arrive at the doctor*

Secretary: hi!

Madeline: hi! Here to see Dr. Hart

Secretary: okay I'll let her know you're here!

Madeline: *goes sit with Stella* Stella you wanna play with the toys?

Stella: ya I go pay

Stella: *plays with toys*

Dr. Hart: Miss Stella

Madeline: oh that's you girlie!

Stella: das me!

Dr. Hart: hi there cutie pie!

Madeline: say hi!

Stella: hi!

Dr. Hart: what brings you in today darling?

Madeline: Stella what have you been telling mama and dada?

Stella: Seya doat dursty

Dr. Hart: your throat is thirsty?

Madeline: she's been telling us that for a few weeks but I thought it was just something she may have seen while watching tv. Today her teacher called me at daycare to tell me she had been asking for water all morning and was trying to clear her throat

Dr. Hart: hmm *feeling Stella's throat* and it hasn't been causing her any pain?

Madeline: no complaints of pain. I asked her today and she said no it's just thirsty

Dr. Hart: okay Stella can you open your mouth and say "ahh"

Stella: ahhhhhhhhhh

Dr. Hart: ooh yeah her tonsils are super swollen. Im surprised she hasn't complained of any pain.

Madeline: she hasn't complained of any to us!

Dr. Hart: any she might not feel any pain it may just feel like what you said that needing to clear your throat feeling which is probably why she's saying she's thirsty. So looking at how swollen they are I'd say we need to go ahead and take her tonsils out

Madeline: okay how soon do we need to do that?

Dr. Hart: the earlier the better

Madeline: what's the recovery time period about?

Dr. Hart: so she would need to recover for about 10 days. Eating just soft foods like yogurt, icrecream, pudding, smoothies, stuff like that. And I know miss Stella's usually a little chatterbox so she probably won't be able to talk too much for about 4-5 days. Just know that's normal.

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