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As they entered Jisung's small two-room dorm (although, Jisung was unsure if his fun-sized bathroom could even be considered a room; it didn't even have a bath), both men kicked off their shoes, leaving them side by side next to the door.

Their hands hadn't separated once.

Jisung led them wordlessly to the bed, where they sat down opposite each other, legs crossed just like they had done on that evening two months ago.

'Um,' Jisung stuttered, 'I'm sorry, I really don't know how to start this.'

'It's okay,' Minho responded, taking Jisung's other hand in his own. 'Take your time.'

Jisung sat still for a minute, pondering over ways he could possibly bring this up. After all, it wasn't like he was telling Minho about his favourite color. This was a super big deal.

'I think I know why I've been so sick the last week,' Jisung said, finally settling on an approach.

'Yeah?' Minho questioned, 'Did you see a doctor?'

'No...' Jisung trailed, 'But, um... do you... do you remember that night? Two months ago?'

'Of course I do,' Minho said, smiling at the younger man. 'I know we haven't really talked about it, but... it's not really easy to forget something like that.'

'Yeah,' Jisung giggled, still avoiding looking at Minho directly and instead focusing on their hands between them. 'Well, uh... you know how we used protection?'

Minho's back straightened a little, and his eyebrows raised slightly, and Jisung could tell that Minho was beginning to see where this was going. He might as well continue, though.

'I don't... I don't think it worked,' Jisung said, a relatively awkward laugh escaping his chest as he said the last part.

'Oh,' Minho exclaimed. The realisation had definitely hit him now. 'Are you... are you pregnant?'

Jisung finally looked at Minho directly in the eye. He had honestly expected to see something akin to anger, to frustration - in the hour he had spent in the bathroom this morning, he had tried to brace himself for all different types of rejections. But now, as he looked at Minho, he took note of just how sparkly his eyes looked. Jisung nodded, answering Minho's question.

Minho's jaw went slightly slack and his bunny teeth were now visible as he stared at Jisung.

'When did you find out?' Minho asked.

'This morning,' Jisung replied - he then made the move to get up, finally dropping Minho's hands as he walked into the bathroom, grabbing the plastic stick off of the sink's counter before settling back down on his bed, much closer to Minho now; their knees were touching, and Jisung couldn't help but crave more.

He passed the stick to Minho, letting the elder stare at it for a minute or two as he tried to wrap his head around it. It was like Jisung could see Minho's every thought as he looked at the two parallel lines in the centre of the stick.

'What... what are you planning to do?' Minho asked, adjusting his blue hoodie as he lowered the stick, dropping it into his lap.

'I... I think I need a little more time,' Jisung said.

Minho nodded, blinking heavily.

'If you decide to keep them, just... just know that I'll be with you the whole time,' Minho said.

Jisung knows that you can't physically burst into tears, but he honestly felt like he just did. He tumbled straight onto Minho's lap, wrapping his legs around the elder's torso as he tucked his head into the crook of Minho's neck. Minho held him tightly as he cried, not caring about the wetness on his shoulder; just like how he had done two months ago.

After a few minutes of solid crying, Jisung finally felt like he could pull away, and he looked straight into Minho's eyes, almost beginning to cry again when he saw the tears collecting on Minho's cheeks. He wrapped his hands around the back of Minho's neck, keeping himself sat upright whilst they made eye contact.

'I think I'm around eight weeks,' Jisung said, 'They're... they're already eight weeks old.'

'Yeah,' Minho said, choking a little as he was obviously fighting back a sob, and Jisung moved his hands so that he could cup the elder's cheeks instead.

They looked at each other for a few seconds.

Minho's eyes flicked briefly down, and then back up.

'May I?' Minho asked, not needed to elaborate because Jisung already knew what he meant.

Jisung nodded, and Minho leant in.

The kiss was slow - it was less desperate and grounding but more comfortable and tender. Their lips moved softly against each other, Minho's full top lip fitting perfectly with Jisung's pouty bottom one.

After they broke the kiss, Minho leant in once more to place one short final kiss onto the younger's lip, causing Jisung to beam brightly like the sun. Jisung moved his hands away from Minho's face, trailing them down towards the strings of his hoodie, choosing to rest them now on the elder's collarbones. Minho's own hands rested under Jisung's shirt on his waist, right above the ever-so-slight curve of his hips, kneading gently into the soft bare skin there.

'Do you want to stay for the rest of the day? And tonight?' Jisung asked, but after not even a second of thinking he knew that he shouldn't have phrased it as a question. 'Please, please stay with me.'

Minho nodded, his trademark thin and boxy smile showing as he slowly wriggled the younger from out of his lap. When Jisung reached his hands out to try and pull Minho back down, the elder simply giggled at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

'Stay there, okay?' Minho said. 'I'm just gonna run to my dorm quickly and grab some clothes, and I should probably explain to Changbin why I'm not gonna be home tonight. I'll be five minutes tops, I promise.'

'You won't tell him, right?' Jisung asked, his eyes wide and doe-like.

'Of course,' Minho affirmed, 'This is between us until you feel comfy enough to share, okay?'

Jisung nodded, watching tenderly as Minho walked out of the door, leaving it ever-so-slightly open. Knowing that he had no more obligations like classes for the rest of the day, Jisung changed into a comfy pair of cat-patterned pyjamas, then he made himself comfy and tucked himself into his bed, turning on the TV and letting some random rom-com play.

Five minutes later, Minho returned just as he promised and he very quickly changed. He slid under the covers and wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist, placing his head into the crook of Jisung's neck.

Jisung thinks he fell a little when he felt Minho lovingly stroke his still-flat stomach.


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