chapter 8

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Hayden and river entered the room again. Holland was now in the bathroom and I was sitting on his bed. "We all good to go" River said and I nodded and we left the room. I stopped walking for a little and was thinking about what would happen if I chose River or what would happen if I chose Holland because if I was to be honest Holland did hurt me. I had tears in my eyes I could feel River slowly walking towards me. I tried to stay calm and not let the tears fall but of course I failed. I started crying silently because I knew I would lose somone in the prosses of picking one. I could feel River strong arms wrap around me his head leaning towards mine. "Faith calm down and tell me what's wrong"
" i-i want to but I cant" while saying this tears fall down heavier that before. I was still in Rivers arm when we slowly started walking towards our dorm.
I look River straight in his eyes wow there beautiful Hazel couler mad me happy. He walked into the room and sat me down." Let's watch a movie how about that?" He ask me and I slowly nod tears falling quicker out of my eyes. He places me onto the couch and brings us a blanket. "What film?" He asks smiling at me
"Love Island please"
Whith out a word he quickly turns it on.
River: who do u think will end up together
Me: Amber and noah there already intimate.
River: u sure cuz I think Amber and Tony they have already  kissed and still flirt.
Me: no way
River:yh I'm sure
Me: wait they kissed when?
River: season 6 episode 25-
Me: OMG RIVER IM ON SEASON 5 U UGLY BITCH. Great u ruined it.
River: I'm sorry I dident mean to. His eyes tearing up
Me: oh shit it's ok its ok.
River smiles and we countine watching love Island.
I start to fall asleep on Rivers sholder drifting off to my dream land.
*6:40* my alarm clock rings but it's the late alarm. I see River he's asleep to.
"RIVER WAKE THE FUCK UP" I say while hitting him whith a pillow. "OW the hell calm down" his voice sleepy. Ugh how I love guys sleepy voice.
Me: please wake up were late u only have 20 minutes to get ready
River: we're both dressed just put some perfume on do ur make up grab a snack and leave.
I do just that and in ten minutes we are out of the door and into the college. "We made it: I said exited
"Well no shit sherlock" River says his voice raspy. The bell rings and we both realise we have a free period. " Oh for god sake we rushed for no reson" I say in a disappointment way.
River: correction u rushed.
Me:ok I rushed. UGHHHHHHH
River: calm down we're going to be ok.
We both walk into the little cafe and order a caramel frappe. Holland walks up to us and gives me a little gift. He walks away befor I would say thank . I look at River and he looks at me we open tye bag and it's a bottle of gin. Befor I know it I run into our dorm River behind me.
Me: let's try it
River:no yull be drunk the whole day including for our classes.
Me: they we'll skip. I say that while pouring my self a glass and inviting some girls over.
River:I hate u
Me: I love u to :>
A few minutes later there's a knock at the door and 5 girls come on whith bottles of alcohol in there hands. We're all talking and drinking and dancing around the door to the music while River is on the couch scrolling onto his phone.
Rebecca: hey let's play truth or dare.
We all agree and I drag River onto the circle. He's scrolling through his phone when. He gets asked my Sarah truth or dare
River: dare
Sarah: I dare u to oooo hmm let ur best freind kiss u.
River: n-no sure I like her but not right now.
Did he say what I think he said that he likes me?
Maddie: oh cmon it'll be funnn
I look over to River he's blushing so hard right now so I help him and pull him onto the kiss. His hands move onto my waist as mine wrap around his neck. Shit I  think I'm in love whith him no I can't be I like Holland to and its to early to tell.
I pull away my lip gloss all over my mouth and all over his. He just looked as me whith a smile oh his face but a smile like he genuinely seemed happy.
Sarah: ok River ask somone.
River: ok. Rebecca truth or dare.
Rebecca: let's go for a change and do truth.
River: ok how many guys have u hooked up whith.
Rebecca: in my while life I've only hooked up once and that was whith Holland but dam hea good in bed. Hearing those words grossed me out. Something so secret was just talked about publicly like that.
Rebecca: ok now faith truth or dare.
Me: uh truth.
Rebecca: ok who's the lucky boy u like.
I take a glance over to River and think about who I like most River or Holland River or Holland River or Holland....
Me: uh I kinda need to whisper this to u.
I lean into her ear and tell her about Holland and river. Her jaw drops to the floor hearing the news.
Rebecca: ok umm ask somone else now
Me: hmm ok sage truth or dare.
*time skip*
We have been playing truth or dare for a while all of us drunk but River was still sober he hasn't drunken anything except water in the past 2 hours
Amilia: truth or date faith
Me: I dare u 7 minutes in heaven whith hmmmm River. A smug smile was on there faces  while they put me, and river into one room....

And hello my angles. Woah 1035 words rn think that's my high score hahaha. Again another cliffhanger oops but who do u think she should end up whith? Tell me in the comments or ill chose myself lol anyway happy reading.

me and my best freindWhere stories live. Discover now