Lilith VS. Darius (pt. 3)

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Steve is online
Steve: Francis bit Darius
Steve: Darius stole Francis
Steve: And Lilith is chasing Darius all the way to wherever he's going

Luz: Why did he steal Francis???😭😭😭😭😭😭

Steve: I honestly don't know but now I'm here all by myself😭
Steve: There's nobody here😭
Steve: My god I'm so lonely😭😭
(A/N: There's a song reference in there. The way I wrote it is wonky so it might he hard to catch but if you got it, have a strawberry🍓)

Luz: Sorry Steve😭😭

Emi: Lilith and Darius just burst in through the door of our house
Emi: This is going to be interesting😈

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