Chapter Twenty-four - Laboratory

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Sanemi's pov

"Fucking hell Mitsuri give me the fucking bandages!" I yelled out at Mitsuri while holding a cloth to Shinobu's wound.

"No! Let that bitch bleed out! She deserves it!" Mitsuri yelled out and I grabbed shinobu's other hand, making her hold her cloth on her stomach before going to Mitsuri "give me the bandages!" I yelled out and tried to take them away from her.

I took them away from her and quickly rushed to Shinobu, quickly bandaging his wound. "I can't fucking believe you did that! I get that you are mad but this won't solve anything so get yourself together!" I yelled out and Mitsuri just groaned and looked away.

"O-Ow.." Shinobu mumbled and I stopped bandaging her wound "sorry, is it too tight?" I asked and Shinobu slightly nodded.

"Sorry, I'll loosen it up a bit" I said and did so. Shinobu looked down, tears streaming down her cheeks "stop.."

"What?" I said and looked at her "she's right.. I don't deserve it.." Shinobu mumbled and I let out a groan, continuing to bandage her wound "just shut up already, both of you, you" I pointed at Mitsuri "stop being like this, I get she did something horrible but yelling won't change anything and you Shinobu, stop listening to her, stop letting yourself get controlled by your fucked up mind and focus on surviving"

Both Shinobu and Mitsuri kept silent after. "Come on, let's go back, I am with you two for half an hour and I am already losing my mind"

Muichiro's pov

I groaned and sat down on the ground "my legs hurt so much!"

"Stop whining, Muichiro! Come on! Get up! Let's race to the-" Nezuko said, standing me up "huh? Race?? You can't be serious, I can't barely walk now, my legs feel like jello"

"Geez, Shinobu said your stamina is great and that you don't get tired much"

"Yeah that was a while ago, let me remind you that we were locked up in that stupid shelter for months, I couldn't just run around in there" I said and Nezuko shrugged “fair”

I smiled and looked over at Tanjiro who was still grabbing his back in pain. I stood up and went over to Tanjiro “hey.. are you sure you’re okay..?” I asked for the thousand time today.

“Mui, stop asking, I told you I am okay, I just need to walk it off” Tanjiro said and patted my head. “If you say so..” I mumbled and hugged him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me as well, gently patting my head “should we just wait here or look for them?”

“hmm.. I think we should stay here for a bit, if they won’t come, we’ll look for them” Nezuko suggested and I nodded in agreement.

As we waited for a bit, we all quietly chatted, still carefully looking around just in case something wanted to attack us again. Suddenly I noticed that Kotetsu was oddly quiet and sitting a bit further away from us.

I stood up and went over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder “hey, you okay, Kotetsu? You’ve been really quiet” I said with a worried tone, noticing tears in his eyes.

“I.. I miss mama” he mumbled quietly. My eyes softened and I sat down next to him, wrapping my arm around him. It has been a while since she turned into one of the monsters but it must still hurt to think of her.. mainly when he’s still a child.

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