First Day

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I wake up abruptly to the sad sound of my six AM alarm. Ugh. School.
I lay in bed for a good ten minutes before Diego starts attacking my feet. When did he get on my bed?

"Aurora?" Mom knocks on my door. "Time to get up."

I sigh. "Alright." I push Diego away from my feet, roll off the bed, and stretch to my heart's content.

Fifteen minutes later I'm in the kitchen after getting dressed and slapping on a light layer of makeup. I must look refreshed to feel refreshed.

Dad's left for work and Mom's set out some bagels and cream cheese, heading out the door.
"Bye, Aurora, have a nice first day!" She says. "I'll be home when you get back."

"Okay, love you mom, bye!" I holler back.

Me being responsible, I woke up earlier than I needed to be, just so I could have a big breakfast for my first day of Junior year. Why do I sound so optimistic? I am not kicking my feet and jumping in the air for this.

School has always been pretty neutral for me. I'm friends with popular kids, but not one of them. In fact, my best friend Hannah is this gorgeous social butterfly who is constantly trying to set me up with boys in her friend group.
I've never had a boyfriend. I kind of want one but I haven't met anyone interesting enough. Sheesh, I just realized how harsh that was.

I finish my bagel, brush my teeth and head out the door to walk to my bus stop. I could drive, but 1. I don't have a car, and 2. Taking the bus is fun! I can listen to music and relax for like twenty five minutes before school.

As I start on the sidewalk, Andrew walks out of his front door, startling me.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He says, smiling. He's wearing jeans and a sweater, and his hair looks AMAZING today. He gives me such golden retriever energy.

"It's alright," I laugh a little bit, to ease the tension. I haven't talked to him since Thursday, when we first met.

"Are you walking to the bus stop?" Andrew asks.

"Yeah, it's just a block and a half away."

"Mind if I join you?" He asks as he starts walking beside me on the sidewalk. Seems like he already made that decision. I almost said 'No' just to be funny, but then I realized that was rude. And not even that funny.

"I don't mind." I say, smiling, as we turn the corner. "So, are you excited for your first day?"

"Yeah, I am. I've already been practicing with the football team, and there's practice after school."

"That's cool, I wonder if we'll have any classes together."

"Me too! Do you wanna exchange schedules on the bus?" My heart jumps at this. If we're exchanging schedules on the bus, then we have to sit next to each other. He wants to sit next to me! I am so delusional.

"Sure," I smile. " Sounds good."

A few minutes later we arrive to our bus stop at the same time the bus does. We're the third stop of the morning, so there's already a small crowd seated. We walk all the way to the back of the bus, and pick two seats. I find out that me and Andrew have English, and Biology together. This is gonna be a fun school year.


After me and Andrew part ways, I look throughout the school commons to find Hannah. I search for the group of fake blondes and tall boys, and.... There! I spot my best friend, her dark complexion and blue eyes catching my attention. I have the prettiest best friend ever.

I make my way over to her, calling her name. "Hannah! Hannah!" I've seen her a few times this summer, but her family was always  on vacation.

Hannah turns around and sees me, squealing and holding her arms out for a hug.

We embrace as her group of friends stare at us for a few seconds, then continue their conversations.

"I've missed you too!" I say. "How was Seattle?!?"

Hannah and I talk about our summers for about five minutes before the bell rings for the first class of the day. All the freshmen are lost, and so I make sure to help out a few of them and direct them to their classes.

I make my way to French class, and choose a seat at the back corner. Perfect. The teachers don't notice kids in the back unless they're loud, or in the center back. I'm not a bad student, and I do have good class participation, it's just .. some days I don't want to talk to anyone, so this seat ensures that I can draw the least attention when I don't want any.

The rest of the room fills up, and I notice I don't have any friends in this class. Bummer. The bell rings and the teacher introduces herself.
"Bonjour, class. My name is Madame Claire. Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves."

After everyone's finished, Madame Claire is busy dealing with two kids in the back being super loud.

"If you keep this up, I'm separating you guys." It's the first day and someone has already managed to  anger the teacher. This is gonna be a great semester.

The rest of the class goes smoothly, and ends quickly.

Hey readers!
Second chapter!
Let's hope the boys in Rory's French class get separated... There may be a seat change..  *Winky face*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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