Gotham Short: 1 vs All

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Fade in to the Knights wearing their workout clothes, running in fear from Mason who was also in his workout clothes.

A/N: What Mason is wearing^-Meanwhile their boss/dad Bruce is in the distance overlooking his protégés

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A/N: What Mason is wearing^
Meanwhile their boss/dad Bruce is in the distance overlooking his protégés.

Tim: Run!

Dick: Oh, crap! Where is he?

Jason: Why did I agree to this?!

Alfred walks over to Bruce while Barbara who was still in her wheelchair at the time was also watching with amusement.

Alfred: Three on one sir?

Bruce: It was Mason's idea.

Barbara: I gotta see this.

Cut to a training room as Jason, Tim and Dick now run torwards Mason with wooden bo staffs. But are knocked down to the ground by Mason's own staff. Zoom to the spectating room above the training ground, where Bruce, Barbara, and Alfred all watch the battle.

Barbara: I gotta say, for someone who was conceived by the world's deadliest assassin, he sure knows how to pull his punches.

Alfred: That's Master Woods for you.

Meanwhile, down in the training room, Jason, Tim and Dick get back up and charge forward. However, they are all knocked back seconds later.

Bruce: Mason was only a child when he witnessed his father murdered by Shiva his own mother. Then was taken and trained by the League of Assassins, for months. Only for him to escape and be found by Selina who gave him to me. In a way... he's like me, a boy who lost everything.

Cut back in the training room, Mason strangles Dick with his staff on his back as Jason and Tim get back up. Tim raises his staff, but is hit away along with Jason by Mason, who lets go of Dick. Mason then gets into a duel with each them, easily knocking them down.

He walks away cool-like and throws away his broken staff on the ground. Tim gets back up and wobbles a few steps before dropping to the ground.

Tim: I can't believe it... I got out-staffed.

Jason: Tim do me a favor.

Tim: Yeah?

Jason: Never say that again.

Dick: Don't worry, we still got hand to hand. And there's three of us, and one of him. This'll be easier.

Dick got up wincing and walks over to get set while Jason and Tim look at each other, feeling like their brother forgot that Mason's mother is Lady Shiva.

Tim: He's gonna manhandle us isn't he?

Jason: Big time.

Computer: Round One: over. Bo Staff training, complete. Point awarded to Nomad. The current score is: Team One: 0. Nomad: 1. Beginning hand-to-hand combat. Round Two begin in five, four, three, two, one. Round begin.

The four heroes in the training room get their stances ready.

Dick: Okay guys, this one should be easy, so lets just play it by the book. Jason, how about you flank left and then-

Jason charges in but is quickly knocked down.

Dick: Or you could just charge in and get immobilized first. Okay, Tim, lets stick together and-

Tim also charges in but is quickly knocked down.

Dick: Whats the story? Am I the only one on this team that knows how to talk?

Mason: I don't think talking is your problem Dick.

Dick: Oh no!

Dick swings his fist towards Mason, but Mason punches him to the ground. He then kicks Jason to the ground as he tried to get up. Tim then gets into a fistfight with Mason. But he swings Tim over his head and kicks him towards Jason knocking them both down.

Dick gets up and begins to throw punches towards Mason, but he easily outmaches him and punches him down. Cut to the overlooking Bat Family members.

Barbara: Wow!

Alfred: Master Woods was always the best at hand to hand.

Cut back to the arena. Jason, Tim, and Dick get back on their feet.

Jason: Okay guys, that obviously didn't work so well. How 'bout this time we try-

Dick and Tim charge into battle, completely ignoring Jason's suggestion.

Jason: Damn it! I can't believe I actually volunteered for this crap.

Jason also charges into battle. Tim swings towards Mason, but he kicks him back. Jason runs towards her, but he punches him in the face. Dick begins to swing and kick at him, but Mason outmaches him again. Mason begins to fight off his 3 opponents, knocking Tim off his feet and punching him to the ground.

Then he rolls over Jason's back and knocks him down. He swing kicks Dick and knocks Tim to ground. Jason, Tim, and Dick, all at once, begin to attack Mason however they can. But Mason manages to block all of their oncoming attacks. He eventually outmaches them and wins the round.

Computer: Round over. Point Nomad. Hand-to-hand combat complete. Training simulation over.

Cut to overlooking heroes.

Bruce: Time?

Barbara: He beat his own record. If he keeps this up he might take your cowl.

Bruce slightly chuckles as it cuts to the four boys laughing together even though a third of them were thrashed badly.

Bruce: 'A boy who lost everything... but gained something new.'

==============================================================I've been on one tn

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I've been on one tn

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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