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Previously on Gotham Knights.

The scene cuts to Jason shooting Deadhsot in the chest with his non-lethal bullets KO'ing the assassin. The buzzing noise in his helmet happen once more as in his queue a message popped up saying one word.


The scene changes to pulled out his gun preparing to shoot him but Barbara and Tim charged at Two-Face doing a team takedown

The scene changes to pulled out his gun preparing to shoot him but Barbara and Tim charged at Two-Face doing a team takedown

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Tim and Dick high-five as Barbara's communications went crazy just like Jason's as it stated the same thing.


The scene then changes to Black Mask holding Vale hostage.

Black Mask: Drop it. I said, drop it! I'll kill her. Believe me, I'll do it!

Mason: I believe you Sionis.

Mason puts the batarang away as Sionis laughs still holding the gun towards Vicki's head but he was more loose, so Vicki took the opportunity grabbing a bottle of bourbon and slamming it against Black Mask face the shards manage to go into the eyes as he yelled in pain.

Black Mask: You bit-

Before he could finish Mason charged and body slammed him through his table.

Before he could finish Mason charged and body slammed him through his table

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A loud explosion echoed throughout Gotham, as it cuts to the outside where Vicki and Mason stood seeing a explosion.

Vicki: That came from Wayne Manor.

Mason: Bruce...

The final scene shows the sidekicks were all together seeing the Manor up in flames and nothing stood there but rubble. The five ran into destruction looking for their mentor. but for the other four boys... their father. Dick looked around and noticed something in the distance and pointed.

Dick: There!

Everyone ran to where he pointed seeing Bruce Wayne under some ruble. They all lift the piece off of him but saw the bloodied and battered Bruce not moving, Mason knelt down checking his pulse but it was nothing.

Gotham Knights: KnighthoodWhere stories live. Discover now