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Japan's pov
I just came back from my recent classes , and I've received lots of homework and things to do . I opened the door with my keys and didn't see my roommate south Korea, guess he was busy doing something anyware in this dorm or he's probably in the library.

South Korea has been acting weird lately, I caught him reading a book when I called him to eat for dinner once , it wasn't any book though . It was a book that had a leather cover with a title that said 'love tips and tricks'  maybe south Korea just got bored and decided to read a book about love .
Love ? Ridiculous.

Love , love , love , love what is it good for anyways ?

It sounds like a thousand times bullshit . I went in my room and removed all my clothes, and changed them into a grey jogger and a plain white shirt, I got my homework out of the bag and went to the kitchen.

I dropped my assignments on the kitchen table and I glanced over the fridge , and walk towards it . I saw a ready to go food that you only need to microwave.  I got the food and put it in the microwave turning the microwave on . While it heated I thought of drinking something warm . I then heated water from a kettle and grabbed a mug .

After that I went to the dinning table and answered a bunch of easy questions, questions that even a sixth grader could even answer. This day has been tiring and i almost couldn't keep up . But that isn't an excuse for me to stop learning and studying. I didn't want my grades to drop, considering that I was one of the top students. My rank was third place , giving the second place to south Korea, and the first place to China. They've earn it though. They work hard and long for that. My thoughts paused once I heard a ping from the microwave.

I turned the microwave off , seeing my food that was already warmed up , I go it out , pulling the plastic cover off of it and to th steaming veggies and rice . I got a spoon and sat down the table . I began to do my homework page by page and question by questions I finished all of my homeworks . Already ? I scanned through the papers making sure I answered all of them and to my surprise I finished all my homework less than 10 minutes .

I took a bite of the half finished food. Now I'm bored, what should I do while eating ? Or after eating? I scooped the remaining spoonfuls of rice and veggies before throwing the box where they where in and washed the metal spoon properly.

I then headed to my room, into my bathroom to brush my teeth. Gosh what a day it has been . I stared at my own self at the mirror. I've been here in this school almost my entire life, and it's been years since I've seen my sister. Nor her or dad answered my calls , I didn't know if they are even alive , oh well what can I do ? I'm in the countryside so far a way from my family.
Oh well ,

I spat out the remaining liquid in my mouth before washing my tooth brush aswell as I gargle water before stepping out the bathroom. Once I stepped out I went over to my bed . I pulled the blankets over me and shut the lights , I had nothing else to do might aswell go to sleep

I taused and turned but i can't fall asleep as usual of course I think it's understandable because I would spend more hours reading or doing something but this time I just ran out of things to do .

Finally I stood up turning on the lights , and walked up to the two large shelves Infront of my bed , maybe reading will help me with sleeping as usual. But what should I read about ? Physics , algebra, the pyramid of Giza, life of Anne Boleyn , literature . I let out a sigh knowing that I've read all of the books on my shelf , I would go down to the library but by now students aren't allowed to go there .

I again let out a sight that's when I heard the drops of rain that knocked through my glass window as it got harder and I could hear the sky rumbling.

That's when I decided to look out the huge window that was the size of a queen's size bed that was covered with the white thick curtain. I peeked through the window seeing the usually school garden . But something or someone caught my eye . It was a female. Her hair was long and looked very familiar. There she was sitting on the edge of the school's water fountain. What was that girl doing?

Does she have any knowledge that it's fucking pouring out there ? That girl might get sick and cause a virus that could spread across the campus, the thought of it make me shiver .

At the girl looked around showing who she was , I took back what I said the girl Philippines is stupid enough anyway... I had my eyebrow frowned . That's when the frown disappeared when I saw my my black cat outside "Columbus? What are you doing there ?" I opened my window as my cat Columbus was at the edge of the concrete that ver little space but Columbus didn't care ... Remember when they said cats have nine lives? Not for this cat thought

Without hesitation Columbus went in my room and he started licking himself. "Are you hungry?" I asked like as if he was gonna reply back but I don't care . I carefully picked him up as he purred and I now accepted that he grew and got some weight compared a few months ago . It was the middle of January, some of my classmates and professors went home to their families but I'm one of the few students who didn't it's not like I don't want to go home but it's like I didn't want to go home too .

Does that even make sense? I made my way to the back of school into the forest. The teachers would allow us to go into the woods but not so deep or we might get lost . But for me it was okay for me to get lost as long as I find my way back . While I was walking into the woods I heard something following me and it got closer and closer but when I turned around I saw a black kitten . The bones of the kitchen where visible to the eye it didn't look like it would survive , but I didn't loose hope and Took care of Columbus.

I wasn't planning for Columbus to stay with me but somehow I got attached with this cat .

Mr. UN allowed students to have pets alsong as they are responsible. But Only me and some other nations knew this to whom read the school rules and regulations.

Suddenly Columbus gave me a meow to put him down . I then decided to he Columbus some can of tuna that he could eat .

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