Chapter 1

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After Nandini left the corridor, Manik got his senses back hearing Alya's words which he has been hearing for the last 5 years. Nandini left him 5 years back with that letter, but he never believed that. Alya after reading the letter was furious at Nandini, and always spoke bad about her for betraying Manik, but Manik always had immense faith in Nandini and their love. He always trusted Nandini more than himself and believed that there was some reason which forced her to take such a step. He was patiently waiting for her leaving everything on destiny as mentioned by her. But after seeing her with Aryaman today he was shattered, but one thing caught his eye was that Nandini never looked at his eyes, he felt that she was in a rush to introduce Aryaman as her fiance. Her eyes and words were contradicting. And as always he again believed his instincts about Nandini, but he was determined to find out the truth this time and keep his lifeline, his Nandini, his wife with him forever...

Manik: Alya, I am not feeling like talking to anyone right now. My shift is over anyways, I am leaving now. Will talk to you later.

With that Manik left leaving a frustrated Alya behind and after reaching home he went to his room and as usual sat in front of Nandini's photo frame.

Manik: Nandini, this time I will find out the truth, I can't let you go again. Last time you left without letting me know and made me promise not to try to find you, but see destiny has again made us meet, we are destined to be together. I can read your eyes Nandini, it speaks all your unsaid words, your eyes are still the same, it still screams my name. I know you are also going through the same pain like me, we both can't stay away from each other, don't worry Nandini, this time I will also fight for us along with you. I don't know what or who is forcing you, but I will find out.

His chain of thoughts were broken by a phone call from Dhruv, his one and only support in these 5 years. After Cabir left along with Nandini, it was Dhruv who supported him throughout, gave him strength. He was another person who had complete trust in his best friend, his first friend in Medical college, Nandini. Manik had never thought that he will be this close to Dhruv ever, but in Cabir and Nandini's absence, he found a true friend in him, whom he can trust with his life. Still he feels embarrassed about how he was jealous of Dhruv, because he thought Dhruv loves Nandini, whereas Dhruv and Nandini were always best friends. This was one of the reasons of Manik being little distant from Dhruv in spite of being in the same friend group of 5, Manik, Cabir, Alya, Dhruv and Nandini. Nandini even teased him after coming to know about his jealousy. Manik and Alya were childhood friends whereas they met Cabir in school when they were in class 7, from that time those three were best friends. They met Dhruv and Nandini in the first year of MBBS, and slowly from that time these 5 became the bestest of friends.

He received the call.

Dhruv: Buddy, how are you, did you meet Nandini? What did she tell? You didn't scold her right, I told you to be calm with her. How is she? Buddy, speak up, why are you silent?

Manik was smiling seeing Dhruv's concern for him and Nandini.

Manik: Buddddyyy... Calm down, how will I speak if you continue to ask like Rajdhani express?

Dhruv: Sorry buddy, actually I was tensed, I am stuck here with a patient and can't come before tomorrow. I wanted to be there today. Tell me what happened, you are okay na?

Manik told him everything what happened. Dhruv after listening to everything assured him that he will help to get the truth out. He will talk to Nandini also, because Nandini used to share everything with Dhruv.

Dhruv: Buddy, I will do everything for you two to get back together. I can't see my Buddy and my best friend like this anymore. You don't stress yourself, okay?

Manik: I know Buddy, don't worry, I am completely fine. After seeing her how can I be sad yaar, I will meet her again today in the evening, as I know she is here to perform a surgery today which will be over by evening.

Dhruv: Okay Buddy, all the best. See you tomorrow, take care.

Manik: Thank you for everything Buddy.

Dhruv: Now you will say thanks to me?

Manik: Okay, I won't. Take care and come soon.

Dhruv: That's better, Bye.

Manik: Bye...

After hanging up the call he looked at the clock and jumped from his bed.

Manik: Oh God, it's Friday and already 3:30 pm, I have to reach there by 4. Oh Nandini, see you just came back today and I have already started to forget everything thinking about you. It's the same as I used to do 5 years back, you always used to remind me of everything. But now I have become much more responsible so that you feel proud of me seeing me like this. I have taken care of our first 'baby' with everything I had Nandini, because I know how much connected we were with this. This is our first creation together - "The Music Of The Soul". But now since you are back, I want you to again take its responsibility along with me, we will again sail together in this boat in the river of soulful music. Okay, I have to hurry now, I have to reach there soon...

Let me know if you find this interesting...

I will soon start the flashback and you will get to know about the letter Nandini wrote. You will also get to know about "The Music Of The Soul".

How did you find the structure of the story?

What about Manik and Dhruv's friendship?

Anything on Manik's trust in Nandini?

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