In the dark, the high metallic ladder had been invisible to Izuku's tired gaze. The hissing of the metal alerted him of its existence first.

A fire escape, he realized. A hand entered his field of vision, urging him to trust in its owner. "You coming?"

With easy, practiced steps, they climbed their way to the building's roof. Stealth training had been fruitful to both of them, it seemed.

Swallowing the lump forming in his throat, he turned to face the view. The darkness seemed to stretch for miles, creating the illusion that they were the only people in existence. The stars were their only companion as they sat on the reclined roof, looking onto the training field bathed in the soft moonlight.

"They're going to ship me out soon." Haruki spoke softly, breaking the silence. My entire squadron is being sent north."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Mmm?" Seemingly snapping out of a daze, the teen turned to look at him. "Yeah, I'll be fine, my friends and I have each other's back, you know?" His gaze visibly softened as he regarded him more seriously, turning to face him fully. "I'm worried about you though..." He continued hesitantly. "Rumors around the science department are getting really intense. Do you know if they'll send you out too?"

"I don't really know much Haru... Sometimes-"Hesitating, he took a breath and pushed through the instinctive need to keep quiet and hold back. "Sometimes I forget things." Seeing only confusion reflected back at him in those yellow eyes, he continued. "I'd be doing something and then I'd snap back to reality in a completely different place. And it feels like- like something is missing Haru and I can't- I can't figure out what it is."

"Hey, hey, calm down for me, yeah? Take a deep breath." Mirroring his exaggerated motions, he took a moment to compose himself. "Explain to me what exactly happens, are you blacking out or something?"

"I don't know, it's just that sometimes, it feels like my body isn't mine, Haru. Like I'm not in the driver's seat anymore, I don't know how to explain it, it's just- I don't know what's happening to me." He finished a little desperately, eyes pleading for the other boy to understand.

"Those bastards have been messing with your head Izuku, you can't let it get to you."

"I just want everything to stop, you know?" He mumbled, bringing his knees to his chest, gaze once again fixed on the fields in front of them. He just wanted it all to stop. The training, the experiments, the medical procedures, the torture.

An arm wrapped around his shoulder, bringing him closer. The warmth of the other boy's body made his rattling heart subside. Feeling like he could stop his racing thoughts for just a second. "I wish I could stay here with you."

"Me too." He wished they could stay there forever, alone on that rooftop, feeling like they were the only people on earth.

The earpiece in Haruki's ear beeped twice, signaling the end of the guard's shift.

Their wishes were never meant to become reality, after all.


Present day

The door to the infirmary burst open, Aizawa's body barreling through them as he rushed to set his student down on the patient's bed. His movements were gentle despite his haste.

Shinsou who had gotten here moments before to warn Recovery girl, was standing in the corner, eyes wide and dazed. As if he was looking at them but not really registering what he was seeing. Disassociation, Aizawa figured.

"What the hell did you do to that boy, Shota?" Recovery girl exclaimed, flitting around Akatani's slumped form worriedly. Checking his pulse, his chest then his vitals again. That seemed to snap Shinsou out of his stupor, the boy rushing to stand in front of Aizawa, eyes wide and desperate as he spoke.

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