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Here she was, back in Albuquerque

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Here she was, back in Albuquerque. What she immediately noticed was that there was no feeling of home. Not even a spark. On one hand, it was a bit sad. Shouldn't people be attached to their hometown? Getting nostalgic as soon as they visit the town they grew up in? Maybe she hadn't been gone long enough. Or maybe she just had no connection to New Mexico.

There was one good thing; that way it would be easier for her to drive back to Charming after loading her furniture into the truck. Jesse had already done her the favor of tossing all of her clothes and personal belongings into boxes that Rat was currently carrying into the truck and stacked the boxes on top of each other to leave room for the furniture.

“So you guys are together and he has a house, why are you moving into your own apartment then?”, Jesse asked with a raised brow, at which the brunette just rolled her eyes.

“Because most couples don't usually move in together after two weeks of dating, Jesse”, she replied with a chuckle.

“She's already with me all the time”, smirked Happy, who had caught a few words while stowing a part of Madison's bed in the truck.

“Yes, because I don't have any furniture yet. When we get back you'll be free of me and you'll have your bed to yourself again”, she said teasingly.

Happy's eyes narrowed slightly as he stepped towards her, his arm now wrapped possessively around her waist. “You'd better rethink that sentence. You're not going anywhere”, he rasped against her lips, from which he stole a kiss, which Madison returned with a soft sigh.

“I'm not paying rent for the apartment for nothing, baby”, she murmured against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But you're always welcome in my bed”, she whispered seductively.

“Yo, guys. Get a room”, they heard Jesse say who just shook his head and decided to help Rat fill the truck with Madison's  furniture, which was still better than watching his sister make out with her new boyfriend. And before things were said that were definitely not intended for a brother's ears, he preferred to help the other guy.

“He's fucking sensitive”, Happy stated amused and gave her but a good squeeze.

“I agree”, the brunette chuckled and pecked his lips once again. “But that's what I love about him. Come on, let's get on with this shit so we can go back home soon.”

“Are you sure you don't wanna stay for a few days?” Almost tenderly he brushed some strands of her hair out of her face, which he tugged behind her ear.

She nodded curtly at his question. “I am. I'll come back another time to visit Jesse longer but Izzy really needs me for Rico. I don't want to let her down.”

In fact, she had grown fond of Happy's sister in such a short time. Every time Madison babysat Rico, Izzy made sure to bring either a small snack or an iced coffee for her brother's new girlfriend on her way home. It wasn't much, but it was still something that always brought a smile to Madison's face.

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