chapter three (the wedding)

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THE DAY OF THE WEDDING CAME QUICKER AS EVER. Anastasia was not excited. She didn't want a stepmother. But she couldn't control it.

"Terrence. I don't want a step mother!" Anastasia frowned as she got her shoes on with the help of him.

"I know Anya, but we have to except the fact that we can't change it." Terrence said as he helped her put the shoes on and then tied them.

"Who is papà getting married to?" She asked, wondering. She didn't really know who he was getting married to. "Dorothy Brooker." Terrence replied.

"Oh." Anastasia whispered in surprise. Soon, the wedding came. It was all weird, many people were there and Terrence was a page boy. Anastasia was a flower girl.

They kissed, it made Anastasia want to throw up. So she just smiled through the pain.

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