when will it end

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I then raised at him but before I get there a sword swings in front of me almost to my throat. I look over at the boy I saw before. He was wearing the green hat.

Jane knocked on the door that was locked she yelled at me but I didn't understand her. I just wanted to get out of this situation.

"What do you think you are doing?" The boy told me. I blacked out guessing laughing jack had hit my head.

Few days later...

I woke up in a bed. I felt a bit weak but I got up anyway. Then door opens I looked over to see laughing jack. He brought me... food? What a surprise, I thought. I didn't trust the food but I needed to eat. Once he left I slowly ate up my food.

I just want to know where I am. I never even got the boys name. Maybe he isn't a hard take to go after which means I'll be out of here faster then usual.

"Who do you work for?" A strange voice was heard in a corner. I looked over to see a guy with a blue mask.

"I work alone" lying to the boy.

"I'm eyeless jack. I see you met laughing jack and ben. So call me eyeless. Or E.J." he walked over to me sitting on the bed.

"I'm jeff. Where am i?" I replied laying back on the bed.

"Hard to explain but don't worry. As long as you don't work for the slenderman then no harm will be done to you." He told me in a soft voice.

"So when can I leave?" He just stared at me with such I guess an annoyed look. Well, I just wanna leave.

JeffxBen (yaoi warning) ^^Where stories live. Discover now