21 - Show Time

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The Monday following Hyunjin and Felix's sleepover, Chan agreed to have Hyunjin help with choreography after listening to Minho's opinion. 

And thus began the long week of work for the two dancers. Hyunjin helped with sharpening the moves they had already learned, but after practices, he and Minho would stay longer to formulate more choreography together. 

Every day of that week they stayed after practice to work together, and Felix and Jisung always stayed with them to give second opinions, but mostly just to watch their boys work. Of course, they did a little homework too...a little. 

The other boys stayed sometimes too. One time, Seungmin wanted to stay, and when Jeongin heard this, he decided to stay too. Perhaps not the best idea for the young boy...

"Y'all would be cute together."

Seungmin stopped typing on his laptop and lifted his head to look at Jisung, saying, "What?"

Jeongin, who was sat between Seungmin and Jisung in their circle, stared at Jisung with wide eyes. 

Jisung knew that the youngest was drilling a hole into the side of his head with his eyes, which made this tease even more funny to him. 

"Ah, sorry. You two are the only people in this room right now not seeing anyone, so it got me thinking, and I blurted out a thought," Jisung explained. 

Seungmin glanced over at Jeongin, who had facepalmed at Jisung. 

Staying nonchalant, he pointed at the youngest with his thumb, saying, "I mean, Jeongin's cute. I don't know about me, though."

This caused another shocked look to form on Jeongin's face, a hard blush following immediately after. 

Jisung and Felix also exchanged slightly surprised expressions with each other. 

Seungmin smirked and gently nudged Jeongin with his fist, saying, "I love making him flustered."

"Well, it definitely worked," Jisung added, giving a side eye and smirk to Jeongin. 

At this point, the youngest hid his face in both of his palms, satisfying his hyungs. 

Minho and Hyunjin were able to create the entire choreography that week, and the following week was full of finishing the learning process and perfecting movements. They were to show off their new performance that Friday at the home game, and they were determined to have an amazing performance to present. 

"Minho, Hyunjin: What would you guys like for us to wear for this performance?" Chan asked that Wednesday during a break at practice. 

Hyunjin nodded towards Minho to be the one to explain, as they had not spoken about the dress-aspect together much. 

"This song and dance are fierce, so I think a fighter or techwear look would be ideal. I'd like for us to wear mostly black with blue accents to represent our school. I have a picture of my outfit idea, so I can send it in the group chat for you guys to refer to."

The boys all nodded, so Minho grabbed his phone out of his backpack to send the picture. 

After Thursday's practice, all the boys went shopping together. Minho tagged along to help some of them pick out clothes that would work best. 

Despite all of the teasing and laughter, everyone was able to find something that worked for them. 

And then it was Friday. All of the boys had brought everything they needed for the performance that night to school, because they would stay after to practice some more and then prepare. 

When it was time for the boys to change, Hyunjin helped Felix put blue face paint on his face after both had changed into their outfits. 

When he had finished putting two lines on either cheek, Felix suddenly commented, "Hyunjin, you look really cool in your outfit."

Hyunjin was slightly taken aback, but quickly smiled and relayed, "Thank you. You do too. Even more now with that war paint."

This made Felix giggle, and both boys felt warm inside. 

Right before their performance, Chan hyped them up with a pep talk. 

"This is it, you guys! I'm so proud of everyone for working so hard this past month. Can you believe that we wrote, composed, and produced our own song and made the hardest choreography we've ever done for it in only a month? I know it's hard, but we did that, guys. Because we are a team with an amazing dynamic. And after this long month of hard work, we are all going to go out there tonight and show everyone in that gym what we are capable of. We are going to dance like there's no tomorrow and wow the crowd, yeah?"

"Yeah!" the boys collectively cheered, feeling the hype from Chan's speech. 

Hyunjin, who was standing next to Felix, swiftly slid his hand into the younger's and gave it an encouraging squeeze. 

Felix glanced over at the older, and Hyunjin returned the look. Immediately, a smile grew on both faces solely from just seeing the other. Felix happily returned the squeeze. 

Their club representative, a teacher within the school, approached the group, asking if they were ready. 

The boys nodded, and followed the teacher into the gym. 

The boys quietly walked across the gym floor and got into their starting formation in the middle. The gym was packed that night, as rumors of the dance group doing a special dance that night had spread throughout the school that past week. Everyone was eager to see what the boys had in store. Even the basketball teams came out of the locker rooms to watch the performance. 

The teacher grabbed a mic, and grabbed the audience's attention, "Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight we have a very special performance from our dance team. The song they are using has been written, composed, and produced by these boys! A very unique song indeed and a whole new dance to show, here is Victory Song!"

All the lights immediately cut, the only thing illuminating the eight boys on the court being two spotlights. 

And then the song began. 

::     ::     ::

A/N: HELLOOOO!! This chapter is rather short, but the next one will be longer, I promise! I really can't wait to get this story finished so that more people will enjoy it! I'm also eager to keep feeding my current readers who are FUCKING AMAZING, TEE HEE!!! But fr, I can't do this without y'all. I LOVE YOU!! 

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