Chapter 44

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Blossom's P. O. V:

The following morning, we were called before the GM.

Loki, Valkyrie and I were escorted in by guards and the GM says, "I'm upset!! I'm very upset!" He floats down to us on a round hover board. Topaz steps up to him with a sceptre. "You know what I like about being upset? Blame. And right now, that's the mindset that I'm in."' He scratches his left ear. "And you know who I'm blaming?"

"Grand Master, I—" Loki begins, only for the GM to interrupt.

"Hey, hey! Don't interrupt me!" The GM was about to say something but pauses when Topaz hands him the sceptre. He looks at her in exasperation. "Why are you handing me the Melt Stick? He was interrupting! That's not a Capital Violation!" She takes the sceptre back, looking a bit disappointed. The GM sighs. "My precious champion has come up missing." Topaz shakes her head. "And it's all because of that Lord of Thunder!" GM tugs at his gold robe. "It's all because of him. Your brother... whatever the story is... adopted, or complicated, or..." Loki nods his head in exasperation. "... I'm sure there's a big history." Here he points to me. "Your brother-in-law..." Then he points to Valkyrie. "And your contender..."

Loki tries to say, "My dear friend," GM puts his hand on his hip, "if you were to give me 12 hours, I could bring them both back to you, alive."

Valkyrie challenges, "I could do it in 2."

I input smugly, "I could do it in 1."

"Let's stop there," GM cuts in. "You know what? I woke up this morning, thinking about a public execution. But, for now, I'll settle for this sweet, little..." He makes gestures at us it's his hands. "...who's gonna get him first?! So, uh, while you're on the clock..." He waves at us.

As Loki, Valkyrie and I exit the room, I spare my husband a glance as I continue ahead. Once I was out of the building, I go in search of Thor and Hulk.

As I do, green smoke is sprayed and everyone is dressed in green. They're chanting Hulk.

I'd better find him before something bad happens.

After weaving through the crowd, I see Thor about to face down an alien, but I see Valkyrie appear behind him and use the buzzer which causes the alien to collapse.

"Hi," Thor and I say in unison.

"Hi," Returns Valkyrie.

Thor says, "I was going to do that."

"Oh, well, I did it first," She rebuttals.

"That's good," Thor mutters.

I go up to them as I say, "Thor! You're okay." I notice Bruce is back in his human form behind Thor and give him a relieved smile, which he returns.

"Ah, Boossom. I'm glad you are too. Did you come to find us as well?" Thor says, making me nod.

I turn to Valkyrie. She has her brown hair in a single ponytail.

Thor asks as Valkyrie tries to peer around at Bruce but is blocked by me and Thor, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving?"

"Right. I got sidetracked."

Valkyrie asks as she gestures to the blankets around Thor's head, "What's with the..."

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