New Neighbors

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"Rory!" Mom yells "Dinner's ready!"

"Coming!" I say as I put my book away and ferociously pet my orange cat Diego before getting off my bed.

As I help set up the dinner table, my older brother Johnny walks in sweating from his daily run.

"Aurora, did you know we had new neighbors?" He says "I didn't even know our old ones moved out."

"John, the Smiths moved out six months ago."

"Well, I wasn't aware of that." He replies sassily as he takes a sip of water.

"They were so loud, have you not noticed the pleasant silence?" He's so oblivious it scares me sometimes.

"He always has his headphones in, Ror, he doesn't hear anything." Mom says as she calls the rest of my family to dinner.

"Ok maybe I don't," Johnny scoffs, "But I saw a glimpse of their family getting out of the car, and they've got a HOT mom."

"Gross" My little sis Emma and I exclaim in unison as she and my dad walk in the room.

"Any cute boys for me?" Emma asks. She's in middle school, so naturally, that's the first thing she thinks of. I'm fully convinced that the only word going through her head is 'boys, boys, boys'.

"Emma," my dad warns, "that's not funny, you can't date until college." She ignores him.

"Nah" Johnny replies, "but I'm pretty sure there was a girl your age, Em."

"Ooh, goody" Emma exclaims, "How many kids do they have?"

"Just two I think," Johnny says, "they had an older dude too, maybe Rory's age.

This gets my attention, "Really? We have enough boys at school, we really don't need another." He better be brunette.

"Well they seem nice," Mom says, "why don't we go introduce ourselves after dinner? I'll bring the cookies I made earlier."

Johnny complains about how the cookies should not be shared, because less for him.

I'm not usually...uhh social, but I mean what's the worst that can happen?


After dinner, we all clean up, and head out with half of the cookies. Johnny has the rest and he will not disclose their location.

I've pulled my blonde hair up into a claw clip, and slapped on some tinted lip balm. Who am I trying to impress? I don't know yet! I might see him in ten seconds! Don't keep your hopes up, don't keep your hopes up, he's probably ugly and gross. Calm your fantasies.

My dad knocks on the neighbors' door and a tall, bleach blonde middle aged woman answers. "Oh my goodness! Hello! You must be our neighbou- Darleen?" The mom looks at mine.

"Rebecca?" My mom says, shockingly "OH MY GOSH, REBECCA?!"

"DARLEEN!!" The mothers embrace as the girl Emma's age walks out.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Mom says.

"It's been like what? Twenty years?" Mrs Rebecca says.

As the moms are busy reuniting, Emma is getting to know her new friend Ada, and my dad and Johnny are talking to the father who must have just walked out. I don't see the brunette though? Oh, shut up you don't even know if he's a brunette! Low expectations, low expectations.

Just then, the boy who Johnny must have been talking about comes out the door at the same time my mother and her old friend are walking inside, laughing and smiling.

His hair ... Isn't brunette. But, it's like this dark blonde, red color. His hair frames his face perfectly, bringing out his green eyes and soft freckles. And all of a sudden it's okay that he isn't brunette.

"Hey, I'm Andrew." He's talking to me he's talking to me he's talking to me "Whats your name?"

WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHERS "I'm Aurora, nice to meet you" I held out my hand - why did I hold out my hand? I'm so awkward - he actually shakes it. Oh what I just had physical contact with him what is happening.

"Um, so" he begins, trying to make conversation "What school do you go to?"

"I'm going to Cheshire North, I'm a junior."

"Oh no way me too!" He smiles. "Don't we start in a few days?" He has great teeth.

"Yeah, next Tuesday" I send him a smile back. He seems really nice.

We talk for about twenty minutes before all of us are passed around so we can all meet each other. I learned that Andrew made the football team, loves dogs, and wants to study Engineering when he's older. He seems like a smart, young gentleman and I totally dig that. Who says 'dig' anymore? I spend way too much time with my grandma.

Hey readers!
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm not sure how long this is gonna be or how committed I'm gonna be to post often! Bare with me because school is starting soon.
I don't think there will be any trigger warnings for this story, and feel free to recommend plot ideas!

xo, Noe

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