Sora's discoverance.

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"My cousin is so weird. Why'd he have to give me this weird little book?"

Sora was groaned, throwing the notebook on his bed and sighing to himself. His cousin was always so weird, always mentioning odd people. Some killing game? He must be going insane!

Just like everyone else in his family, everyone is absolutely psychotic. Yumo gave stories to him of 'Kitsune' creating another stupid killing game and brought her older brother into this. He doesn't know who to believe, he's probably lying. Maybe being a writer got to his head, creating all those scary scenarios in his head.

"I'm nothing like them! Whatever, I'm just gonna slam this book in a library!"

Sora huffed, opening a page and staring blank. What the fuck was this? And why was his cousin shipping random people together ? He was very concerned, weirded out and maybe a tad bit interested.

Maybe Yumo was right for this, but then again that guy was definitely not right in his own head. Always mentioning about some Akira and Egil.. or was it Eagle? He can't tell. Russel was apparently his own mastermind, but Sora just thinks he's getting into method acting.

"If I realllyyy get into it, maybe I can remember what me and her used to do!" He declared happily, grabbing his phone and scrolling through the photos of him and Kitsune. Nothing was out of the ordinary, nothing was out of place. It was just him and her. It was just him and her.

She still had that toothy smile almost everyone in their family had, she still had those very recognizable star clips that held her hair in place, she had absolutely no changes whats so ever. She didn't look like she lost her mind, she didn't even even look like she could've ever do that. The stories Yumo told him must've been fake. A sick, sick little prank!

Why would Yumo even do this? It isn't nice to joke about people's disappearance. He isn't a kid anymore! He doesn't have to lie, but.. why would he lie to him? Maybe, maybe Yumo is right. (Or he's just going mad, it's a common occurrence in his family for a strange reason.)

He swiped again, showcasing a video this time. It was her and Akamu. Akamu was a strange guy, he was Yumo's younger brother. He would always have the worse grades and just be strange in general, he avoided him. Whenever he did talk to Akamu, he'd get a weird feeling from it. ( He never really had the guts to play with him either, he was rough and he's not for that.)

"I should just give up on this, I'm no detective." Sora sighed, stretching his limbs as he put the phone down. Suddenly, Yumo's girlfriend knocked on his door and peered inside with a smile. Uh oh, this could be bad. What was she even doing here?

Oh, he must've forgotten. His parents always preferred Yumo over him since he was taller and plus more perfect then he ever could be. They were considering Kitsune ( till she disappeared, and they found her backflipping on a kid who looked half dead) so he's glad that didn't happen.

He's short for his age, very weak for being a boy, but at least being smart makes up for it? It probably doesn't seem he can be way too trusting. Anyways, he turned his head over to Auira (He forgotten her name since she's just so forgettable sometimes) and sighed, forcing a smile. "Hi, Auira. Here with Yumo I hear? How was your date?" He hid the book under his pillow, continuing to smile at her as she sat on his bed and nodded.

"Of course, but I feel like we're missing that spark sometimes." Auira sighed, Sora almost cringed when he remembered how Akamu would spill to him that he would third wheel and who was supposed to be Yumo's girlfriend who would give her absolute attention to the third wheel instead of her boyfriend. Love triangle? Gross! "..Right, have you considered talking to him?" He suggested, still grossed out on how Yumo and Akamu would fight over this woman.

"He's just working lately, but I feel like he should get therapy. I'm getting really concerned for Yumo, maybe I should secretly admit him into a mental hospital while he's asleep.." She just sighed, making the smaller and younger boy sitting next to her flinch. Uh oh, he's not getting into the problem.. is he? He really hopes not, if they break up he will NOT be the one responsible for it.

"Good luck on that, Auira.." He chuckled nervously, darting his view away from her before realizing she'd come to his room with a bag. A present, perhaps? He loves presents! He turned to her again since the sound of rustling was making him excited, he tried to contain it. "Whatcha got there..?" He tried to play it cool, but he was failing miserably since the containing he was attempting was just him bouncing in one place with the restraint of a smile.

"What about you come and find out?" She did a sly grin, almost making Sora worry. He picked up the bag, revealing the JSHK manga he wanted. He gasped, his collection was almost complete! He tackled her down with a big hug as he thanked her over and over making her the one chuckling.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUHANKYOU! You're the best and-! Hey, it isn't my birthday.. special occasion?" Sora asked curiously, his eyes darting to the glittery starclip Auira owned. Strange, she had only worn that when Yumo and her hit the 5 year long relationship mark. Her smile was almost scaring him, till he realized something else was hidden in that bag. Another gift? She was really spoiling him today.

Sora reached into the bag, to find a black shiny starclip that just seemed so familiar. He looked over it, his head titling to the side. What was this for? Are they supposed to match? That's a sweet gesture. He was about to put it on until Yumo entered the room, he didn't know why he never noticed but he had that starclip but was matching with Akamu. (Until he disappeared) was everyone matching with at least a person? No, wait. Everyone had a starclip! How did he never ever notice?!

"Thank you..?" He awkwardly said, his older cousin approaching closer as he sighed. He didn't seem too happy to be here, were they both only here to just hand this to him? Was it really that special? "Listen, our family has a strange tradition that we need to wear a bow and a starclip. It's just how it goes." He explained sloppily, for being a writer he sucked at explaining things.

"Then why does Auira wear a starclip?" Sora questioned, crossing his arms like he didn't believe Yumo. ( Why even should he? He looks to be going insane.) Yumo groaned, adjusting his glasses as he glared at the boy. "Nosy, aren't you kid? She wears that because it's tradition for partners that are either dating for 5 years or married into our family." He hoped that his cousin wouldn't keep asking questions, unluckily for him luck hated him.

"Why did I get mine LATE then?!" Sora huffed, making the older boy groan as he frowned at the younger one. "LAST QUESTION. it's because you are considered a runt, and you are.. uh.. how do I put this? You need to prove yourself enough, prove you're willing be a Kumo all your life. Even the girls who get married stick with our family name." He stated harshly, taking Auira's hand and dragging her out. "We'll be leaving now, we might stay in a hotel near by since we all are gonna have a family meeting." He added, before running off.

"No fair, I didn't even get to ask more questions.." Sora pouted childishly, taking his phone out and just decided he was gonna play Roblox until he realized the user 'Mentally ill cousin who writes wattpad stories secretly' texted him.


SOARFORTHESKIES: "Yeah, I don't understand why you gave have it to me though."


SOARFORTHESKIES: "No I just think you're mentally ill"

To avoid harassment, Sora turned off his phone and closed his door. What a long day, maybe he'd take a nap or read the new manga Auira got for him. Oh right, the starclip. He stared down at it, shiny and pretty. Clipping it onto his bangs, feeling the silver slide smoothly and attach onto his hair.

Oh boy what he doesn't know what's gonna come next..

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