A sleepy nod is what I get in answer as he passes Arella over to me. She whines briefly before stuffing her face in my neck. Rubbing her back, I quietly exit the room.

"Good morning, chunky butt. Do you want to go have some of Mama's milk?" I talk as I walk, not wanting her to cry.

She shakes her head and lifts it off my chest, staring at me with the dark blue eyes that I love so much. Her tiny hand comes up to rest on my cheek. Turning my head, I place a kiss on her fingers, pretending to nibble on them.

Her giggle lights up my heart as I walk into the room. Freya's sitting on our bed, dressed in a light pink silk tank top and ripped blue skinny jeans. As always, she's utterly beautiful.

I'm completely whipped when it comes to my wife. No woman could ever hold a candle to her.

"There's my baby! Oh my goodness! Such a sleepy girl." Freya coos while extending her arms.

Placing the baby in her mama's arms, I step back to get myself ready. I'm not sure why we have to leave so early, but it makes Freya happy. Happy wife, happy life. At least that's what I was told growing up.

Donned in some jeans and a tight black tee shirt, I step from the closet to see my baby all cuddled up to my wife. She's having her milk while Freya scrolls through her phone.

"You don't need to wake the boys just yet. They can get more sleep." As she talks, Arella watches the way her mouth moves.

Shrugging, I stuff my hands into my pockets and lean against the wall. Out of the corner of her eyes, the baby watches me. She gives me a cheeky smile, then stuff her face back into Freya's breasts.

"Are you done eating?" I question, knowing I won't get an answer.

"She's just playing now. Why don't you take her and change her diaper? You know it's less of a fuss if you're doing it."

Taking the small tot back in my arms, I enter her nursery and head towards the closet. So many damn clothes and she'll grow out of them in a couple months.

"Let's see what we have here. Hmmm? What would you like to wear? Mama wants to go on a picnic. Which means we need something warm." It's still summer, but the months are starting to change and Arella always gets chilly easily.

We end up picking a yellow sundress that has little bees stitched into the fabric, a matching diaper cover, and a white cardigan.

As I lay her down on the changing table, she gives me that smile that I love so much.

"You know you could have anything in the world with that smile." I tap her nose with my tattooed finger and begin changing her.

"Alright, let's go wake brothers. If I'm awake, then they will be too."

As soon as Arella hears the word 'brothers', she points towards the direction of Alessandro's room. I'm already shaking my head as I walk towards Gianni's room.

"We're going to wake the others first, baby girl. He needs some more sleep."

A pout is what I get in answer. Her eyes fill with tears and she makes a pitiful whimper. And I swear to God, I almost cave in. How can I not when she's looking at me like I just kicked a puppy?

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