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The shrill cries of my baby girl right outside the penthouse door is what has me running from the kitchen. I could care less about the food possibly burning on the stove.

A mother knows the sound of her child's cries. Hungry, tired, and scared all have different sounding cries. This is a scared cry. That's what has me ripping open the door without checking the cameras.

Standing there is Damon and Arella. His shirt is splattered with blood and my baby is screaming her little heart out with rosy cheeks. I don't even think, just reach out and grab her.

Her tiny hands clutch my shirt as she nuzzles her head underneath my chin.

"What the fuck happened?" I whisper to my husband while bouncing her.

"I'll tell you once she's calm. If I tell you now, it's just going to make you angry and Arella doesn't need to be around that right now." He holds his hands palm out to me, like he's trying to placate a wild animal.

I guess I am when it comes to my children. No matter how old they are, I'll always kill somebody for them.

"Okay. As soon as she's calmed you will tell me what happened." Turning on my heel, I head to the living room and plop down on the couch.

Arella whimpers in my arms and creeps her hand into my shirt. Smiling, I drape her across my lap and lift my top and bra.

"Do you want some milk? Will that make my tiny bumble bee feel better?" I coo, helping her get a good latch.

Little suckles sound throughout the room as she drinks her fill, baby blue eyes never leaving mine as she stares at me. It's like she's checking to make sure I'm real and that I'm here.

"Mama's here. What has you so frightened, little bee?" Those we're the wrong words to say.

Her face scrunches up and she lets go of my nipple, crying softly. She clutches my shirt in a death grip as her body shakes. I've never seen her this scared. It breaks my heart. No toddler should have this look on their face.

Whoever did this to my daughter better be dead already. If they aren't, they're going to be begging for death by the time I'm done with them.

I prefer to leave the killing to Damon, but I will get my hands dirty for my family.

"I'm sorry. Mama's sorry. Come here." Lifting her up, I rest her head on my shoulder and head into the kitchen to turn off the burners.

I'll just have to send one of our men out to grab something for dinner. No way I'm cooking when Arella's being this clingy.

"Do you want to go take a bath with Mama? Hmm? We'll get the nice smelling soaps. Once you're all clean, you can sleep in Mama and Papa's bed. Does that sound good?" My voice is a little whisper, only loud enough for the baby to hear.

I don't want to speak too loud and frighten her.

In normal Arella fashion, she doesn't say anything. I get a little head nod while she tries to latch back onto my breast. I get her situated, then climb the stairs.

Damon is in the shower when I enter the bathroom. It's steamy and a little bit humid, the mirrors fogged up. He swipes his fist along the glass shower door, clearing away the steam so he can see us.

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