3rd Story - Leticia

Start from the beginning

"Yup," Brigitte said as she got up after noticing Trista glance at us quickly from the announcer's booth. "She's damn fast, and she's got real strong now, 'specially after nearly getting her ass handed to her by that imperial knight."

I frowned. "Kate fought an imperial knight...? Why?"

"Huh? You mean she never told you?"

I shook my head. "No... She never even mentioned it. What happened, Brigitte?"

Brigitte pursed her lips for a moment as if in thought, shaking her head. "Guess that's something you should ask her yourself," she said mysteriously. "Anyway, looks like Trista's about to announce the finals, so get going, Leticia! I'll be cheering you on!"

I nodded and grinned despite the nagging question at the back of my head. "Thanks, Brigitte! Oh, and tell Medrauta to share some of that prize money, will you?"

"Hah! I'll try my best!"

With that, it was time for the final match. I made my way back to the arena with sword in hand. My breathing had steadied now and I was no longer sweating, but the inside of my armor and clothes still felt quite stuffy and uncomfortable.

Whatever. I won't even notice it once I start fighting, I thought as I looked up at the stands and found Rosaline. She stood from her seat and waved at me, her smiling face brimming with joy and pride. For a moment, I was so struck by her beauty that I forgot to wave back.

"Someone's happy," Kate smiled as she stood across from me, her sword resting on her shoulder.

"A-Ah! Sorry, Kate, I didn't see you there!"

"It's all good, Lettie."

Though Kate was still smiling, I couldn't help but notice the loneliness in her eyes. Thanks to the festival and the tournament keeping me busy, I didn't really have a chance to see her over the past two weeks, but now that we stood across from each other, I could feel that something about Kate had... changed.

"Um... Is something wrong, Kate? You don't look too good."

"What, really?" Kate laughed, but I wasn't convinced. "Hm... Probably still a little exhausted after my fight with Brig, y'know? She was pretty tough."

"If you say so..."

"C'mon now! It's gonna start, so come at me with everything you've got, alright? This is our last duel, after all!"

"Our last duel...!? What are you ta—" My question was cut short as Trista's voice boomed over it.

"And here we have it, folks! The exciting conclusion of this tournament's dueling bracket! Two childhood friends square off for the right to hold the title of festival champion this year! Prepare yourselves for Dame Leticia and Dame Kaitlyn's clash of the century! Duel... Start!"

I pushed all unnecessary thoughts from my head the moment the trumpet blared. I could get the answers to my questions later, but I would never be able to forgive myself if I faced Kate without giving it my all.

She came at me with blinding speed, her sword flashing across the space between us in an instant. I parried clumsily and leapt away immediately, distancing myself from Kate's range.

Despite everything I'd gone through, there was still such a vast gap between our abilities. A bead of sweat rolled down my temple and onto my cheek as I devoted every fragment of focus I possessed into watching Kate's next move.

She held her sword loosely in her hand, a relaxed grip that allowed her to immediately change the direction of her strike even after issuing it. The tip of her sword remained above her waist, pointed at the center mass of my body.

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