[Chapter Five] | Lunch Chat

Start from the beginning

"Stop." Y/N pinched the bridge of his nose. "With the way you're talking, it seems to me that you haven't made a single friend at all and really stuck to yourself all these years."

At this point, Yukino finally shut her book with a relatively loud sound to it. It was enough to shut up the small chatter people were having and peered their heads over to them. With a somewhat annoyed gaze, the black-haired beauty looked to the brown-haired teen and set her book down, crossing her arms, first flipping her hair a little with her hand.

"Do you intend to say to me that I haven't made a single friend at all? You disappoint me, L/N-kun. To assume as much."

Y/N turned his head toward her and raised his eyebrows.

"Well? Did you make a single friend at all after I left?" Y/N asked.

"Hmm. Let's see. Define 'friend'—"

Y/N interrupts her with a sigh, "Yep, that sentence tells me all that I needed to hear. You haven't made a friend at all, have you?"

Yukino was quiet for a moment. She then looked away. She then whispered something very quietly. Because Y/N couldn't hear, he leaned a little bit over and cupped his ear in order to hear her again.

"What was that? You gotta speak louder."

She says it again, a little bit louder, but he still couldn't hear it. He grunts in annoyance.

"Again, you have to speak louder than that."



This time, it was Yukino who looked at him in annoyance. "Why are you staying silent?"

Y/N's eyes were slightly wide. "W-Well... I never thought that a person like you would make friends. Especially with how you were during dinner parties."

"Well, there, now you know that I do have a friend. Don't tell me that you don't have one yourself."

"You underestimate me, Yukinoshita-san," Y/N says with a low laugh. "In fact, a friend that I've known since I was young goes to the school."

"Tsk. Must you always turn things into a competition?" Yukino muttered, although Y/N heard her.

He deadpanned at her. "It's not my fault that you hate losing."

She opens her book up again. "Well, as much as I'd like to continue this chatter, class will be beginning soon. I suppose it was nice to see you again."

Y/N chuckles. "I suppose I can't say 'likewise', but I guess it is nice to see you again, Yukinoshita-san."

"Better you than that boy with eyes dead like a fish."

'I can see that you've already made enemies,' he thought, sweat dropping.


With his first class done and getting his introduction over with, the day proceeded onward. He wondered, what were the odds he'd get to see the famed Yukino Yukinoshita again.

She was quite renowned for that ice cold attitude she's always had, an attitude he'd always witness at dinner parties. And he wasn't surprised to see that she had retained that sort of attitude today. The only thing that did surprise him was the fact that she made a friend. Granted, they weren't really friends, just merely acquaintances that were on good terms because their families knew each other, but they never went as far as to say they were buddy-buddy with each other. But even though it was a surprise to see her again, and find out that she made a friend, he did find the little interaction quite swell. Honestly, it was that type of banter and talks that he missed about those dinner parties. Y/N didn't really congregate with others his age during those little events, but he could tell he did hold a small kindred bond with the Yukinoshita girl during those times. He couldn't say much that he held a bond with Yukino's elder sister, but it was nice to know that there was someone to talk to during those times.

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