Chapter 6

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Harry was incredibly happy that he had spared some time during his first timeline studying the art of medical magic. He wouldn’t have been much help to the little wolf otherwise. There was so much blood, and the tender mauled skin of his neck had made even Tom turn green, but Harry saw him shake his head determinedly and assisted Harry efficiently. The little boy had read up on healing magic for Harry due to the countless times Harry either limped or bled upon coming back to him after work, or even after just wandering around the house.

It took a good four hours before he managed to finally heal the boy, albeit not completely since he knew that once he changed back into his human form, the injuries would worsen and he’ll be weaker than he was now. Tom looked ready to pass out where he stood, exhausted from it all. He had helped Harry by wandlessly healing the minor cuts and bruises as well as following instructions Harry gave him. It was well past his bedtime and doing that much advanced magic was taking its toll on him. It was the most magic the nine year old had ever used.

Harry caught him when he swayed, having been paying rapt attention to his little soulmate and the injured werewolf. He levitated the wolf and carried Tom in his arms as Telby informed him that the guest bed was now ready.

“Put me down ‘arry…” Tom mumbled sleepily even as he nuzzled into Harry’s neck like a cat.

“Shh…sleep love, you did incredibly well. Been improving on your healing magic, haven’t you?” Harry praised in a hushed tone as he walked over to the guest room and settled the now cleaned and bandaged wolf onto the bed. “Telby, quickly inform me when the wolf wakes up. And prepare some food for him right after, preferably steak, done rare and a little bloody please. I’ll just tuck Tom in for the night now,” he said, the elf who bowed politely and popped away.

Harry set up warming charms wrapped the pup with the soft duvet, bidding him a soft good night. He shifted a dozing Tom in his arms and closed the door behind him. He headed upstairs, marveling at how Tom had grown over the years and how amazing he was earlier. The boy was getting better and better at performing wandless now. Harry couldn’t wait to see how brilliantly he’ll be once he gets his own wand.

He headed straight into his room, taking advantage of the rare opportunity to sleep and cuddle with the boy. Tom had decided when he reached seven that he was no longer a child and will therefore learn to sleep on his own instead of sneaking into Harry’s room from time to time. He sometimes slips up by falling asleep in the library or in Harry’s study, giving Harry the chance to take him into his room to hold him while they slept. Tom never really complained in the morning. And Harry had, more than once, caught him cuddling closer to him when he thought he woke up earlier than Harry.

He laid them both down and pulled the covers over them with practiced ease. Tom sighed contently in his sleep and Harry held him close before drifting off into unconsciousness.

“Mr. Harry sir, wolfie’s awake now. Gobry’s in the kitchen preparing his meal.”

Harry yawned sleepily, telling Telby to prepare some clothes for the wolf before she disappeared. He glanced down at a sleeping Tom. He summoned his snake stuffed toy, the one that Tom kept under his pillow. The boy refused to admit that he still sleeps with it at night and uses it to calm himself down whenever he gets anxious while Harry’s away.

Tom tended to make a small whimper every time Harry tries to leave him alone in bed and always calms down almost immediately after Harry gave him the snake, making Harry chuckle and press down a kiss on his cheek.

Casting a quick freshening charm on himself, Harry directly apparated in front of the guest room, giving a light knock to signify his arrival before he carefully opened the door. His eyes immediately met guarded midnight black ones the moment he stepped inside.

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