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Caitlin woke up to someone shaking her

' What do you think you're doing?"

' Sorry. I didn't know how else to wake you. I've made us something to eat"

' I'm not hungry"

' Look, you look like you haven't eaten for days. Please have something before you collapse"

Caitlin wandered into the kitchen and saw a vast array of foods

' I didn't know what you liked so I made a bit of everything'

Caitlin looked at the food and felt her stomach rumble, reminding her that she hadn't eaten in ages. She took a seat and tried a small bite. It was nice, but Caitlin had never had this type of food before. Back home, she was used to something totally different. Caitlin suddenly dropped her food as the memories of home overwhelmed her 

' What's the matter? Don't you like it?"

' I'm not hungry"

Barry watched as she ran into her room. What was wrong with her?

Caitlin lay on her bed, trying to control the tears. She was feeling homesick and missing her parents. She was even missing Ronnie. There was a knock on the door as Barry peeked his head around 

' Can I come in?'

' It's your house"

Barry sat opposite her

' Are you crying?"

' Why? Does it bother you?"

' Don't be like that. Work with me here"

' Why? You don't know me and vice versa"

' I've already told you. I don't like seeing people upset"

' I'm just feeling a bit homesick"

' Then why don't you go back if you're this upset?"

' It's not that simple"

' I'm sure it is. What did you have some massive fight with mummy and daddy before you came here, and are too scared to go back?"

' I wish. I don't know how to go back"

' Meaning?"

' I've already said too much. Please just leave me alone"

' As you wish"

' Caitlin, he seems alright. Maybe we should trust him"

' You have changed your tune"

' I'm just saying that we are going to need someone's help to get back home"

' But don't you remember what he said? We can't tell anyone who we truly are or what we can do"

' We won't, but we need his help or how are we going to get back home?"

Caitlin spent the next few days exploring her new home and new surroundings. Everything seemed alright, but she was still a bit wary. Surely it wouldn't be long before they found her? All they had to do was get her location out of the man who had sent her here. As much as she was trying to enjoy her new adventure, she was constantly on edge

She was in her room, when Barry came in

' Here's the map you requested. Now have a look and see if you can find your home"

Caitlin took the map and studied it. She couldn't find Marinold anywhere. Where was it? How was she going to get home if she didn't know where it was? The map fell to the floor as a tear slipped down her cheek 

' What's the matter? Are you alright?"

' My home. It's not there"

' What do you mean? Where are you from?"

Caitlin went to open her mouth when a door opened 

' Barry, I'm back"

' Mum. Caitlin I forgot to tell you my mum lives here. She's back. What will she say if she sees you?"

Caitlin started laughing uncontrollably 

' What's so funny? Seriously she's going to flip. What will I tell her?"

' Out of everything, this is what you worry about? Relax, it'll be fine. I'll handle it all"

Barry went into the kitchen to greet his mum. Caitlin followed behind

' Barry, who's this?"

' Mum I'll explain everything later. For now let's catch up"

' No, I want to know why there's a strange girl in my house?"

' I'll explain. You should be proud of your son madam. He saw me in a bit of bother last night and helped me. As I had nowhere to go, he let me have shelter for the night. He's a gentleman. How many others would stop and help a stranger in need?"

' Barry, I'm proud of you. You helped someone in need. Exactly what I taught you. And you, who are you? What's your story?"

' Oh I'm sorry. My name is Caitlin", she said outstretching her hand

Caitlin's eyes turned blue as she shook her hand. She quickly backed away and put up her hand

' Caitlin what are you doing?"

' Argh!", Caitlin yelled as fire came out of her hand

' Caitlin stop. What are you doing?', shouted Barry

' Where is she? Who are you? How did you get here?"

There was complete silence as the thing melted away 

' Who are you? What are you?"

' I'll explain later but we have to go"

' Go where? And what did you do to my mum?"

' I'll explain on the way, but we have to move."

' Where? Why?"

' Because they have found me"

Duff, duff, duff. As always, feedback appreciated 

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