Chapter 2: Solving the Puzzle

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After careful consideration, Dean finally decided to copy the Phantom Thief Kid.

It's not that other legendary thieves weren't good, but Phantom Kid had a slight advantage when it came to producing amazement points for people.

Although he had made up his mind, Dean didn't know what to do.

After all, Gotham is a place known for its law-abiding citizens, where you could encounter someone on the street who might suddenly pull out a gun and start shooting randomly.

More importantly, let's not forget the world's greatest detective, Batman.

Without some real skills, Dean was worried he might get caught and end up in Blackgate Penitentiary right after starting his career.

Well, Dean doesn't have a serious mental illness, so he's not suitable for Arkham Asylum.

So, Dean spent many years training himself, honing the skills he received from the system—disguise, voice-changing, magic, and others—to a proficient level before he dared to send out his first notice letter.

That was a week ago, the one received by the Gotham Art Museum.

The result wasn't great. The museum didn't take the notice letter seriously at all, so Dean easily got a jewelry bracelet.

Except for a dozen security guards on patrol, no one saw Dean, and the number of amazement points he received was low.

However, this operation confirmed Dean's thought that he indeed needed to perform actions under the identity of a mysterious thief to receive amazement points.

Then he sent out the second notice letter and returned the bracelet as well.

In order to ensure that it can attract more viewers this time, Dean went the extra mile and sent notice letters to multiple major media outlets in Gotham.

He hoped that more reporters would come, helping him make a name for himself.

Of course, there's also the possibility that he might make a mistake.

"There are still five days until the notice day. I wonder how GCPD will handle me..."

Dean walked to the window and looked at the bright Batman symbol in the sky and silently pondering.

Five days flew by in the blink of an eye, and soon it was February 19th.

The Gotham Art Museum was filled with over a hundred guards spread out through the exhibition halls and corridors.

Half of them were GCPD officers, and the other half were security guards that the museum had hired.

They kept a close eye on the visitors entering the museum, trying to find someone suspected of being the mysterious Phantom Thief Kid.

"Jim, this kid called Phantom Thief Kid, is he really going to show up? We've been guarding the museum for five whole days, and we've had several shifts. GCPD doesn't have that many resources to waste."

At the entrance of the museum, two old detectives in trench coats were having a conversation.

One of them was Commissioner Gordon.

The detective speaking to him had a greasy cowboy hat on his head, a beard covering his face, and a beer belly.

Harvey Bullock, a veteran detective who had worked alongside Gordon for many years, was his partner when Gordon moved to Gotham.

"If you ask me, that guy might have been scared off by our setup," Harvey said.

"Don't let your guard down, Harvey. If I'm not mistaken, today is the day he'll make his move,"

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