Chapter 2 First Day at UA High

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10 months had passed since Izuku had gotten told by Toshinori that he could give him his Quirk, so within those 10 he followed the workout schedule and paid attention to school. Today was the day of the UA Entrance exams and Izuku was standing at the gates of UA nervous, he had just eaten a piece of All Might's hair in order to obtain the Quirk so he didn't know if it was working yet. Izuku then started walking in and towards the right Exam waiting room, he knew it was only a test to get into UA so he knew he was gonna have to give it everything he learned and achieved during those 10 Months of Hellish training. As he was walking is stepped on one of his shoe laces following forward as he told himself "Or I'll just die", he then stopped as he looked down to see he wasn't touching the ground and immediately started panicking. A girl with brunette hair then placed him on the ground then put her fingertips together causing him to stop floating.

Izuku: Huh!?!

???: Sorry it looked like you needed help but I should have asked first before doing that, Well it was nice meeting you! Good luck!

The Burnette then continued walking as Izuku realized what he had just did, he had just talked to another girl.

Izuku: I just talked to a girl, AHAHAHAHAHA!

An hour had passed since Present Mic had went over everything and everyone was standing Infront of the gates to the Exam waiting for it to start, Izuku saw that everyone was fully prepared but he was barely prepared and was unsure that he even had One for All yet. As he was about to go Thank the brunette for saving him he was stopped by a boy with Blue hair who was wearing glasses, Izuku thought to himself that this must be the guy she was dating so didn't bother to go Thank her because he knew it might have been a terrible idea. As soon as Izuku Turned around he saw that everyone was already running into the Exam leaving Izuku behind, he then ran behind them trying to find robots to destroy but saw that there was none left and began to panic realizing he had just let his training go to waist. He then saw a guy ran past him and was confused.

Random guy: RUN!!!!!

Izuku and everyone then felt the ground shaking and immediately started running away as they saw it was the Zero Pointer, a Robot that gives no points. As Izuku was about to get up he heard a girl yelling for help, when he looked he saw that it was the brunette of earlier. He immediately started running towards the Zero Pointer as some stopped and watched him.

Toshinori: There are No Points for taking down that thing, but there is opportunity

Izuku then stopped and jumped up in the air towards the Zero Pointers head as he immediately moved his arm back powering up a Punch.

Toshinori: So Clench you butt cheeks kid and

Izuku/Toshinori: Yell this from the Depths of your heart!

Izuku: SMASH!!!!

Izuku then hit the Zero Pointer Causing it to blow up and fall backwards as he watched it, he then started falling towards the ground as he realized his right arm and both his legs were broken. He then prepared his left arm to stop his fall but immediately got slapped causing him to float again and land right in the ground, he then realized he didn't have much time left and immediately started crawling to find one robot but the alarm sounded

Present Mic: TIMES UUUUUP!!!!

Izuku then realized all his work was for nothing, he then passed out as some people were surprised about what happened. The blue hair boy couldn't believe that someone like Izuku just took down the Zero Pointer risking his life to stop it from crushing that girl.

The next day we can see Izuku sitting on the couch squeezing and releasing an exercise item to help with his grip for if he need to hold onto a building or something for if he gets accepted into UA, ever since yesterday he has waited for the letter from UA that had his Results. After a few more seconds Izuku saw his Mom ran to him and hand him a letter, his mom said it was from UA and he immediately ran into his room shutting the door behind him and opening it. As he opened it a little device fell out and  a video popped up of All Might in a suit.

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