Chapter 1

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He's a full-on ass hat. Arya looked up at her father with something she had never felt before.

Moments before, Arya was showing her father the inspiration for the front cover of her book. The only draft she had, other than photos was all Arya had to go off of for her book cover as the contents of the pages are already finished.

He looked at the roses and swords and then at Arya who looked impressed with herself. he was also impressed with his daughter for the amazing creativity she produces but the smug look on her face slowly turned him angry.

He ripped the page in half "Don't think so highly of yourself" he screamed in Arya's face spitting as he did so.

This is when Arya looked at her father in utter disgust and disbelief at his actions. She picked up the ripped in half page and turned to walk away but the word that came out of her father's mouth made her turn around and lose her shit.


"How dare you call me pathetic!" She yelled in his face "I pay for this fucking house, I have a creative side and it pays for this house. You're the fucking man of the house and your sitting on your fat ass all day and you dare to call me pathetic!" She screamed at him before realizing what she'd done.

Arya's father, John, looked down at his only daughter with a horrible feeling in his chest "You ungrateful Bitch" He then raised his hand and slapped it across her face. Arya looked at her father "Get the hell out of my house!" His drunk breath spread over Arya's face as he was only inches from her at this point.

For once she was happy to hear those words "I am finally free from this fucking shit show, this ain't a punishment" Arya held her face holding back from laying into her father with her fists.

She got into her room, packed up the very few clothes she had into a bag with the things she needed then walked out of the house. Her father yelled something from behind the door but she didn't listen.

Arya walked in silence to her friend's house, Bridget is probably the richest person in the whole state yet she made friends with a dropkick like Arya.

It took a car pulling up and a man hanging out the window whistling for Arya to realize she left the house in her sweet pants and a very small black crop top that exposes parts of her chest she didn't wish people to see.

The man looked her up and down, she stared at him, Arya noticed the nice suit and the expensive watch on his wrist but also the gun on the passenger seat.

"Sorry, I'm a lesbian, I'm actually on my way to my girlfriend's house right now"

The man scoffed and drove off like an idiot,

I thought guys like girl-on-girl action, she thought.

After the very long walk to Bridget's house, she knocked on the door and their housekeeper opened it "Arya dear, it's eleven at night what are you doing walking around?" Their housekeeper asked. She's always been a better mother to Arya than both her parents combined.

Sofia, the housekeeper let in Arya and sat her on the couch texting Bridget and letting her know her friends is there.

"Now tell me what happened" She crossed her legs knowing it's always a long story with Arys.

"Dad was an ass we got in an argument and he told me to leave and unlike the other times he does that I decided it was time to leave"

Sofia clapped "It was about time" she smiled motherly at Arya.

Then Bridget came downstairs "Hey Arya what's up?" She asked in her pretty pink expensive pajamas "Dad and I fought so I packed my shit and left, sorry I don't have anyone else" I stood walking closer to her.

Bridget opened her arms to Arya "Nonsense you are never a bother, your room is set up anyway" Yeah Arya gets out of her house so much that she has a room here, it's across from Bridget and they get to share a bathroom. But the bathroom has separate toilets and showers. So really they only share a sink area because two sinks and two mirrors.

Bridget and Arya walked up the stairs and ran into Bridget's parents on the way "Arya, are you alright darling" her mother said holding Arya's shoulder "Yeah, it's ok if I stay the night?" She asked looking mostly at Bridget's father "Of course" he answered.

Bridget doesn't know but Arya and her father had a moment the last ring she stayed here, lucky Bridget's mum came home when she did, or who knows how far they would have gone. Arya sees this as a dick move to her best friend and has decided to not tell her she almost fucked her dad.

Bridget and Arya walked up the stairs when Bridget's phone went wild. She picked it up while Arya got herself sorted moving the few clothes she owns in the drawers.

Bridget smiled as she hung up the phone "You got any sexy clothes in there?" She asked, "Yeah maybe why?" Arya didn't feel like going out.

Bridget giggled "There is a club opening on the new street in town, Taylor just rang me and said her dad can get us in and our drinks will be free"

Arya sighed "Alright fine" She wasn't going to turn down free drinks and entire.

Pulling through her clothes, Arya found a small tight black dress with these Dimond tights and half-calf high heel boots.

After some light makeup and her hair attacked with dry shampoo, she looked presentable enough for a fancy rich bitch club.

Bridget walked out in the smallest shorts and crop top she owns with mesh over the top, knee-high boots, and more makeup than a drag queen.

Arya smiled "Competition" she raised her eyebrows "You gotta look the part" I looked down "You hit the nail on the head" Arya smiled as Bridget lead them to the bottom floor.

Her parents were making dinner in the kitchen when they came down "Hey guys we are going out, we'll be home tomorrow love yous" she said opening the door "Bye honey" her mum said without looking up.

Out the front there was a driver, she was wearing an armored suit and her hair looked unwashed yet clean if that makes sense.

I feel like my parents are the same as Bridget's but hers a rich and don't show their dislike but they just let Bridget walk out. But again she is an adult so it doesn't matter I guess even if they still act like she's a teenager.

In the backseat, Bridget got control of the music through some app she had car play or something like that. It changed the screen and everything showing directions on a map and the music.

It wasn't a long drive, Bridget didn't live very far out of the city and Taylor was standing with Kayla.

As promised we got in easily and skipped the line, this place was huge. From outside it looks like a small building but jeez I couldn't see the speakers or the DJ so it's huge.

Kayla got them all a drink and the girls found an empty table "Why are we sitting?" Taylor asked "Because it's an idea to get a few drinks in while you look around then go dance," Bridget told her like the mother of the group.

Songs started getting louder for some reason in the club so as expected Kayla and Arya got up "Drinking time is over" Kayla said grabbing Arya's hand as they danced their way to the dance floor.

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