New Namek Saga: Return to the Future Timeline and Heading to New Namek

Start from the beginning

Bulma: "Perfect!"

Kuzuku: "But before we could do anything, Bulma. Can you able to make a spaceship just like my father when he uses to go to Planet Namek?"

Bulma: "Why?"

Kuzuku: "After we told Goku about our problem, we ask him where the new Namek is, but he doesn't know. Then..."

Bulma: "Then...?"

Kuzuku: "Then there's this King Kai who is a friend of Goku who help us to navigate where new Namek so that we can use the Namek's Dragon Ball to resurrect everyone that the Android kills including Gohan!"

Bulma: "Hmm...I know! There's the spaceship that Goku use to arrive back on Earth and also Frieza and his father's spaceship. We can use it to travel where new Namek is!"

Trunks: "That's perfect!"

Bulma: "But the problem is that we don't have enough resources for food since the last time we go New Namek it took 30 days to get there."

Kuzuku: "There's no problem since King Kai told us that the new Namek will take 28 days to get there. Also, we have 3 years in time to train and get supplies for the trip as I will go there alone."

Trunks: "Wha- Kuzuku what are you saying!?"

Kuzuku: "Trunks you need to stay to defend Earth while I was gone to New Namek."

Bulma: "He's right Trunks."

Trunks: "Fine..."

Bulma: "That's all?"

Kuzuku: "That's everything."

Bulma: "Then Trunks get some vegetables from the farm while this man will be preparing for dinner."

With that, she left for her lab as Kuzuku and Trunks went to do their chores, Trunks placed his hand on Kuzuku's shoulder.

Trunks: "Good luck with my mom, Kuzuku. You needed it."

He commented as he left to do his chores.

Kuzuku: "Trunks!"

He was embarrassed as he know what Bulma wants after dinner.


At Capsule Corps in one of the rooms there, we see Kuzuku had his eyes open while Bulma soundly slept in bed while naked, why?

Because Bulma and Kuzuku had a wonderful moment together last night and also she was cuddled up to him and he was now stuck with a woman who is his girlfriend attached to him that he did not to wake up.

Bulma: "Kuzuku..."

Kuzuku: "How I am so lucky to have you as my girlfriend."


After 2 and a half years have passed since Kuzuku and Trunks went back to the past to warn the Z Fighters about the Androids and since then Kuzuku and Trunks have been training on how to get stronger and helping Bulma refuel the Time Machine and restocking food and fuel for the spaceship when Kuzuku will be going to new Namek to use the Dragon Balls to bring everyone back before the Androids kill them or use it to kill the Androids if that's possible.

Bulma: "Here."

She gave Kuzuku the capsule containing the spaceship which he use to travel to the new Namek.

Kuzuku: "Thanks, Bulma and Trunks."

Trunks: "Yes..."

Kuzuku: "Just defend and protect your mother she's important for us."

Older Brother of Future Gohan (Male Reader x Dragon Ball Z/Super)Where stories live. Discover now