Because Stupid Is My Middle Name

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Seven Years Ago...
Emilia's POV:-

At the dinner table, Mom and Samantha would quiz me about the people in my class, especially one person in particular.

" So he's dating? I knew it! Are you friends with the girl? You should be, it's always good to have friends in high places ", Mom reminded me in that instant of a hungry predator. I loved her and she wasn't a bad mother but she had an ambitious streak which scared me sometimes. Samantha was busy trying to feed a reluctant Lola, but I knew her ears were honed in on our conversation.

" Mom, Tiffany, and I don't move in the same social circle. ", I tried to explain. Something about Tiffany put me off. It was like she was judging everyone around her and looking down her nose at them.

Mom's blue eyes flared with annoyance.

" It's because you're so antisocial! You need to be more outgoing if you want to form connections. In this world you need them to get ahead. Take your father's example, he always lived the life of a loner and now where is he? He can't even find a decent job for himself!" I cringed at her words. Thank God, Dad was asleep. If he had heard her words, it would have turned into one of their usual ugly fights.

" Mom, not in front of Lola !" Samantha hissed, as Lola stared at all of us looking distressed. She didn't say anything though. Lola was a quiet child like I used to be. Her hair is a strawberry blonde shade, like her father's, while her blue eyes and pouty lips resemble her mother and grandmother.

I was the one who had taken after my dad physically. We had the same dark brown eyes and hair that always looked messy, no matter how much we tried to comb it. My dad had a bit of a paunch though, while I was thin and slender, almost boyish in stature. My mom and sister had the perfect feminine figure with curves yet a slender waist. Sometimes, I wished I had gotten more of my mom's looks, but I regretted it immediately because it felt like I was betraying Dad.

I didn't want to talk back at Mom, but I wasn't going to just sit and let her scold me. So I left the table hurrying off towards my room. Samantha patted me on the shoulder as I passed her.

" Don't let her get to you, Mom can be a little too much to handle, you know how she is, " Samantha whispered sympathetically. Mom was too busy scowling at her food, to listen in on what she was saying. I just nodded quietly at her and locked myself in my room. The next day, Mom made my favorite omelet with tomatoes and even apologized for her outburst yesterday.

Despite her temper and at times even lack of empathy, I knew she did love her children. Besides Dad and Samantha would always screw up, now and then, leaving her to deal with the aftermath. She was a retired teacher but was forced to start teaching again, so she could support Samantha and Lola.

Our financial situation was anything but stable and it was usually her who had to make decisions regarding money. To cut it short she was under extreme pressure and I felt grateful to her, even if she annoyed the hell out of me sometimes. However before she sent me off to school, she told me to bring some juicy gossip about Louis.

"I don't get why they keep that boy's life shrouded in mystery. He might be our king someday. I wish I could see how he turned out. His parents were both really beautiful. He wouldn't mind taking a picture with you right? After all, he's a celebrity. "

Her eyes were shining, like they did when she was excited about something. I chose not to say anything. The last thing I want is to come across as a fan girl of Louis's. That guy already looked too cocky. Not to mention my classmates would never let me live it down.

When I get off the bus, I notice a line of black cars rolling towards the school entrance. The one in the middle is a black Porsche and Louis steps out of it. Two burly-looking bodyguards are already standing outside. I remember Mom telling me to take a picture with Louis.

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