Coming Out

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@Dylani19 trans female to male Reggie <3
(Never written a trans one hope this is ok 😅)
(For simplicity sake, his female name is Regina since it's the closest to Regulus)

• I do not condone any type of bullying on my page. If I see any genuine hate towards transgender people on here I will make it my personal mission to end your bloodline... anyway enjoy the one shot!! <3

In his early years of school, Regulus had begun transitioning in small ways, in ways that wouldn't be obvious to his parents but also made him feel more comfortable. At that point in his life Sirius, Pandora and Professor McGonagal were the only ones who knew about his transition, to everyone else he was still Regina.

His late school years were a lot more open, he had moved in with the Potters and Sirius so he didn't have to worry about his parent's abusive nature. He dressed in the male uniform, he finally changed his pronouns and on all his formal certification papers his name had been changed to Regulus.

Regulus definitely had a lot of help, after leaving that house he got an endless amount of support from James, James' parents and of course Sirius. Professor McGonagal came with Regulus to speak with the rest of his professors about his new name and pronouns to which most were very accepting in nature. Despite all the love Regulus did get, he would be lying if he said it was smooth sailing and that everyone agreed with him.

Regulus experienced severe bullying throughout his school years but was lucky enough to have psychotic friends who stood up for him and an even more unhinged brother who would dismember any one who simply looked at Regulus the wrong way.

Something that Regulus never expected to happen at school though was James, more specifically James becoming his boyfriend. Their relationship was more than Regulus could've ever have dreamed of and this was before Regulus had even come out as trans to James, James had originally welcomed Regulus into his home for the same reasons he had welcomed Sirius.

During the time of their relationship, Regulus kept his nature hidden and felt that if he told James, James would leave him for it or if not that for at bare minimum lying to him about it. However Regulus' coming out to James didn't go quite as expected when Regulus and James got sent to detention together after a Potions class gone wrong...

The stain from the explosive potion was everywhere, on every table and chair, somehow it got stuck underneath the tables, it was just a mess. Regulus smiled at James who just shrugged,

"The sooner we start the sooner we can leave"

James was aware of what name and pronouns Regulus went by but sort of just went along with it, he didn't quite understand how it worked but loved Regulus nonetheless whether that was him or her.

James and Regulus had discussed being intimate with each other but at the last second Regulus would always move away or leave, saying he wasn't ready. James was concerned and confused, thinking he was doing something wrong but not wanting to pressure Regulus to do anything he didn't want to do.

Regulus was more than in love with James and wanted to be intimate with him but he was scared if James worked out what was actually... going on downstairs, he would leave. James had made it abundantly clear he was bisexual and liked both genders so Regulus thought, now, while they were alone and no one could hear, that talk wouldn't be so bad.

"James can we talk about something?"

"Sorry I know I'm being quiet, I've just got a stubborn bit that's not coming off the table"

"James this is serious" *insert your joke here*

James dusted his hands and put the cloth over his shoulders, "what's going on?"

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time but, I've been scared to because, I don't want you to leave..."

"Come on, there's nothing I can't handle. Except this stain" James turned to the table and pointed angrily to the smudged surface, "I will get you"

"James!! I'm transgender!" Regulus figured if he just ripped it off like a bandaid it would be easier.

"Yeah? I figured that. I was with you when we changed everything, if your heart and your head are telling you it's not right than trust it"

"James there's a reason I haven't wanted to have sex, I don't have-"

James looked confused and then his eyes widened, "oh? Ooooh! Reg I would never be angry at you because you don't have a dick? I'm bisexual, what's better than one gender? Two!"

"You don't care? You don't think I'm...wrong or broken?"

"No, not in the slightest" James smiled softly at Regulus then went back to the table, "you do know what I think is crazy though? THE FACT IM CLEANING THIS BY MYSELF!"

"James you really don't care? I lied to you about my body and my transitioning and you just act so? So normal about it?"

"Why would I care? Am I you? Am I going through the transition?"


"So why would it affect me? It's not my body"

"I don't know! We're in a relationship, I thought these things mattered! I've lied to you, doesn't that upset you?!" Regulus was on the verge of tears but was honestly just stuck in a confused, maybe grateful daze.

James realised how his tone might have come across, he could see the tears in Regulus' eyes and now understood that his acceptance meant more to Regulus than he had imagined.

"Reggie I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated about this stain. Of course I care, but I don't care in a sense that I'll love you less because of it, I care because you're my boyfriend and I love you, if it matters to you it matters to me"

Regulus paused, not exactly knowing what to say, this hadn't gone at all like he had imagined.

"Is there some way I can help you? Would you like me to change my physical or emotional affection, like how I hug you and stuff, in any way? Are there certain things I need to understand or be mindful of moving forward?"

"James shut the fuck up for a minute I'm literally about to cry"

"Oh ok sorry yep I'll just.." James zipped his lips and sat, holding Regulus in his arms.

Regulus had completely overthought the situation and forgot about the man he was with, as James held him he realized that he would never feel unloved or betrayed, that he was enough and he was just right, he wasn't broken, he wasn't wrong, he was exactly who he needed to be.

@Dylani19 I think I'm going to write you another one in more depth another time because I don't think I did trans Reggie justice, if you've got specific things you'd like for the story let me know! I still hope you liked it though xo

For everyone else if you've got any feedback for me when it comes to writing transgender characters I would love that! I've had requests for both trans Reggie and James before but have just never known how to write them in a way that'll really portray what it's actually like to be transgender.

Hope you enjoyed nonetheless <3

Mischief Managed,

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