Authors Note

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Hey, my name's Eryn.
This is my first time writing one shots.
I've tried writing stories in the past and it just never seems to work out for me so I thought I'd try this.

I have rules:
1) everyone has their personal ships and if you don't agree with the ones I, or any other person in this community, choose to ship please escort yourself to a different story line, this is Wattpad there's a whole world out there!

2) Friendly fire banter is fucking fine as long as it stays friendly and fun, I don't want to see anyone crying over one of my one shots because i misspelt a word or a character did something you didn't like.

3) Criticism is welcome and encouraged! There are so many people in this community who have loved the Marauders before I came along and have different views on the story that could help with character development, please do not be afraid to critic me on my writing skills, constructive criticism and improvement are siriusly important.

4) kinda relates back to rule 2, I don't want to see any racist/homophobic/misogynistic/general pricks on here, this is all in good fun and that shit isn't tolerated.

Anyway if you read one of these and think "huh that'd be a pretty good story rather than a one shot" let me know because that would be fun. If you have any requests also feel free to comment them.

Please be mindful this is my first time writing one shots and first time writing about these characters, got no experience in this game lol

Have a good one, enjoy the ride xox

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