Trigger Warnings

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Hey guys,

I'm going to move this chapter under my Author's Note but I just wanted to put some trigger warnings out there for people reading so that they're ready for what's to come, but also able to enjoy the stories.

1) Some of my one-shots may contain homophobic slurs, language or behavior. I do not condone any of this behavior in reality and it is purely for plot development and usually building our villain.

2) Smoking. There will probably be a lot of chapters or quite a few chapters where smoking happens or is mentioned, it's something that has come around into some of the Marauders stereotypes, specifically the Black brothers and Remus. Again don't smoke kids it ain't good for you.

3) Mentions of violence/abuse. I tend not to write about James and Reg being abusive towards each other because I'm personally just not overly comfortable with that. However there are characters like Walburga who are, for obvious reasons, written in a nasty way. Once again I do no not condole or encourage abuse of any sort and it will not be tolerated on my page.

4) Consent. If the characters in my book do not openly consent to do anything just know that it is all mutually agreed upon. I will not write anything where characters force each other to do anything that is not consensual.

5) INCEST! YOU FERALS HARRY AINT FUCKING HIS COUSIN! When writing about Harry, in my mind Lily is the surrogate mother who carried him so technically Harry is Lily and James' baby which is why he doesn't inherit any of Regulus' physical features just personality traits.

Ok I think that's it, if there are any other questions or concerns you have please feel free to chuck them in the comments and I'll add them to the list xx

Mischief Managed,

Jegulus One Shots <3Where stories live. Discover now