chapter 2 (ice breakers)

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It had been about an hour since y/n had broken her arm, and her and ghost where waiting for the doctor to come back with the x-rays.

You sat there with your head agains the wall as you hold your arm steady trying not to move it, the doctor had given you pain killers but they hadn't kicked in yet, ghost was sitting in a chair near by the bed you where sitting on, he felt the need to stay with you since he was the one that broke your arm.
You decide to break the awkward silence, "ghost, you know its ok, you didn't mean to it was an accident" you said looking at him, "i went to hard im sorry" he says back, "ive been through worse than this dont worry ill be fine" you say a you start to feel the pain killers start to kick in.
Ghost looks up at you, "what's the worst injury you've had then" he asks curious as to what it could be, "umm lets see the most painful one was definitely when i broke my collarbone, but the worst one.....hmmm" you say thinking hard about what the worst injury you've had is.
"The worst one was definitely when i was stabbed in my stomach, that one nearly ended me" you say slightly laughing, ghost looking confused as to how you had such bad injuries in the past, he thought you seemed fragile and based on how you fight that you wouldn't have such horrible injuries.

A few minutes past when the doctor walked in, "yep its definitely broken, in two places actually" the doctor says pointing to where the breaks where on the x-rays, ghost started apologizing repeatedly to you but you just kept saying it was fine that it was just an accident.
The doctor left the room to gather the supplies to put a cast on, the doctor had said you'll be in a cast most likely for a few months 6 a least, as you both wait there ghost asks "so how did you get such bad injuries in the past, i mean based on how you fight i figured you wouldn't go into combat a lot" he says.
You sit there wondering if you can trust ghost with the story of how you got your injuries, after a few moments you speak "well my collar bone i broke when i fell off a roof trying to fix a hole that was leaking water into my house" you say rubbing tbe back of your neck with your other arm, "and what about the stabbing" ghost asks being the most curious about this one, "um...well....its not a story i like to tell....sorry..." you say as ghost then apologizes for asking such a personal question.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip 3 weeks~~~~~~~~~

It had been a long three weeks, with your arm being broken and still trying to learn combat to be ready for the mission to come, you had just finished working out so tou head back to your room to shower but then remember you cant get your cast wet so you look for something to wrap it in to keep it dry, after you finally find a plastic bag and wrap it around your arm you shower, it was a lot harder than expected but at least you where clean, you get out of the shower and wrap your hair and your body in a towel and walk out of your bathroom heading for your clothes, but before you can make it there you hear a knock on the door followed by ghosts voice, "y/n may i come in" ghost says waiting for an answer, you scramble to get cloths on while saying "just give me a minute!" You finally get some clothes on after struggling to get them out of the closet, you tell ghost to come in.
He steps in and closes the door, "do you need something sir" you ask wondering why he would be coming around your room this late in the evening, "i just wanted to see how you where doing" he says leaning against the wall, "oh well im ok sir thanks" you say sitting down on your bed, you invite him to sit with you as you grab some water and your medicine for the pain as well as the medicine you already take, ghost sits next to you about a hands length away from your legs touching.

You down the medicine and take a drink of water afterwards, for about 20 minutes you and ghost talked about training and what it would be like since your arm was broken, you both had scooted back on the bed so you where birth propped up with your backs against the wall, you had come up with the idea to watch some training videos to better learn since you wouldn't be able to train for a while, as ghost and you watch the videos you start to drift off to sleep, your head slowly falling onto ghosts arm, instead of moving you to lay down and leave, ghost let you sleep on his arm, he turns off the tv and closes his eyes him to drifting off to sleep.

A few hours pass and you and ghost are now laying in your bed together sound asleep, ghost laying behind you with one arm over your side, you as you both sleep you start to have a nightmare about the day you got stabbed and almost died, you start to sweat and move around in your sleep, all of a sudden you jolt away sitting up fast hyperventilating remembering what you where just dreaming about.

Ghost sits up and puts his hand on your shoulder, you jump not remembering you fell asleep on him, "w-what are y-you doing in h-here" you say struggling to catch your breath tears starting to fall down your face, "you fell asleep on me and i didn't want to wake you" he says in soft tone, he trys to calm you down but nothing is working, he tells you to take deep breaths and to not panic, but all you can think about is the dream, the memories of the worst day of your life, realizing his words aren't doing anything ghost wraps his arms around you pulling you into a bear hug and holding you tight telling you to breath, the pressure of the hug sends a sense of safety and reassurance through your body as you feel yourself start to calm down.

You both stay like this for a few minutes while you calm down, ghost finally lets go putting his hand onto your cheek wiping the tears away, you look into his eyes and say "i-im sorry" your voice shaky, he just shakes is head and says "no need to be sorry for ptsd" he says rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You ask him to stay with you and he nods in response laying down and wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to him, for the first time in years you finally felt safe.

Ahhhhhhh sorry it took so long to post this ive been super busyyyyy, anyway hope you like this chapter, as always comment suggestions and please do tell me if i make mistakes in spelling im dyslexic  so my typing is the best 😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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