chapter 6.

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seungmin started walking one way and chan quickly wiped his tears hoping seungmin didnt see and walked the whole other way. both boys were having an absolute horrible night, chan probably just got disowned by his parents and well seungmin just lost one of his parents, chan got back to the college dorm first, he got his shoes off and went straight to his room, a few minutes later seungmin got to the dorm too, he got his shoes off but instead of going to his room he went to chan's and knocked on the door.

chan: yeah?.

seungmin: c-could i come in?..

seungmin says as his voice cracked a bit, chan quickly got out of bed and opened the door for seungmin.

chan: seungmin, are you o-

seungmin: this is w-weird but, uhm s-soobin c-couldn't come o-over right now so.

chan just stood there looking at seungmin worried and confused, seungmin then started to break down again.

seungmin: seungmin: t-this is really em-embarrassing but.. c-can i h-have a h-hug?..

seungmin says sobbing a bit and looking down, chan's heart kinda broke seeing seungmin cry but without hesitation chan pulled seungmin into a tight hug and seungmin hugged back while starting to cry harder.

chan: shh, its okay..

seungmin: m-my m-mom pas-passed..

seungmin held chan closer while crying, he didn't know why but he felt safe in chan's arms, he felt protected, it was like he never wanted to let go of this hug. after a while seungmin had pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes.

seungmin: s-sorry..that was really uhm embarrassing.

chan: i'm sorry.

seungmin: for w-what?

chan: your mom..i know its hard losing someone you love.

seungmin: i-its fine uhm. dont worry.

chan: why'd you come back?..why didnt you stay with your dad?.

seungmin: i have class tomorrow.

chan: seungmin, your mom just passed? can't go to class.

seungmin: i h-have too.

chan: seungmin i dont think that-

seungmin: its my choice chan. and i-im going. also uhm. t-tell your parents that my moms shop is for s-sell. if t-they want to take it..

chan: what?. your selling her shop?..

seungmin: we have too, im in college and my dad has his own job..its better to just sell it then have it put out of uhm yeah if they're interested just tell them to talk to my dad

chan: seungmin i-

seungmin: goodnight. and uhm thanks for the hug. it made me feel sorta better.

seungmin says smiling a little and walking away to his room, chan sighed before closing hsi door and heading back to bed.

-the next morning.

chan got up out of bed and did his usual things, he showered, changed and everything else and while he was backing his bag to head to class he saw seungmin walking out of his room, he looked like he'd been crying all night. chan thought to himself. "poor boy..he cant go to class today.." chan then sighed before going to seungmins room and knocking on the door.

𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. ~ chanmin. Where stories live. Discover now