chapter 4.

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chan: so i was maybe thinking that uh its going to be pretty hard to live with each other considering that we both lowkey hate each other.

seungmin: okay?. your point is?

chan: i want to put everything from the past behind us. that way we dont have to get along or be friends but just forget everything that happened like adults.

seungmin: pause you want me to forgive you for putting me through hell?! yeah no thank you.

he says sitting back on the couch and crossing his arms, chan then sighed and sat down next to him.

chan: no. i dont want you to forgive me. and its cleary understandable that you dont want to but just put it all behind you. and ill put all this behind me too.

seungmin: what?

chan: well ill forget how you almost beat my face open yesterday, if you forget that i bullied you all those years ago.

seungmin: i-

chan: and i wont tell my parents about it. just please? im lowkey kinda tired of fighting and arguing its so stupid!

seungmin then got up and looked chan in the eyes

seungmin: fine ill put it all behind me. but you have to stop calling be brace face. or else the deals off

chan then got up and stood in front of seungmin looking down at him a bit.

chan: fine deal.

the two boys then shook on it and chan sat back down on the couch

chan: can you actually make food tho?

seungmin: the fuck am i your wife? make it yourself you can see no?

chan: i was just asking damn.

seungmin: i have to finish my assignments bye, also if soobin comes let him in and sent him to my room

chan: will do

seungmin then left to his room leaving chan in the living room alone, after a few hours passed by chan was just watching tv in the living but then got interrupted by seungmin running out his room panicking and on the edge of crying

chan: woah, you okay?

seungmin ran to the front door and sat down while struggling to put his shoes on while slowly breaking down. chan sat up and looked at him confused

chan: seungmin? whats wrong?

seungmin didn't answer him and quickly left the dorm running down the hall and into the elevator, chan was just sitting there confused and right as he was getting up to go find seungmin he got a call from his mom so he answered it.

chan: hey mom, can i maybe cal-

mrs bang: channie, mrs kim just got into a really bad accident!

chan: what?!

mrs bang: she might not make it, which means she'll have to leave everything to her no good for nothing husband and their horrible son. which means we can finally put them out of business! we'll finally be better then them!!

chan: mom thats not ok-

mrs bang: come home! me and your father are throwing a little celebration party for us!!!

chan: what?? why would you-

mrs bang: please honey, just come! dont disappoint us now. we have a lot to talk about.

chan: mom i-

mrs bang then hung up before chan could finish his sentence. chan started feeling bad, and some what guilty. he didnt want to go celebrate seungmins mom getting hurt. but he didnt want to disappoint his parents so he got changed and started heading over even tho he didnt want to. he felt horrible for doing this. but he couldn't disappoint his parents. he just couldn't! chan would do anything to make his parents proud of him..even if it meant taking over a business he has no interest in..even if it meant hurting his new friend he finally made after years of fighting and arguing.

-seungmins pov before running out the dorm (i think that makes sense??)

while i was doing my assignments i got multiple text from my dad telling me to call him and that it was important so i stopped working and called him back.

seungmin: hi dad! whats wrong?? everything okay?

mr kim: seungmin. something happened. but i don't want you to freak out..

seungmin: okay?? whats going on?

mr kim: son, your mom got in a really bad car accident.

my heart them sunk down to my stomach.

seungmin: w-what?..

mr kim: i sent you the hospital were at..s-seungmin..she might not make it..

i dropped my phone and started tearing
up. my heart broke. completely. i was horrified. i couldn't lose my mom. she was my best friend. i couldn't lose her, while panicking and on the edge of breaking down i ran out my room and sat down at the door putting my shoes on. while doing so chan was trying to talk with me but i couldn't focus. so much was going through my head. "how did this happen?." "she has to make it!" "i cant lose my mother!.." "mom, please be okay." i was to scared for my mom. i ran out the dorm and the building crying. i ran all the way to the hospital crying and panicking. i couldn't lose my mom. not my mom. i love her to much. i cant lose her..not my mom..

-end of seugmins pov.

once seungmin got to the hospital he ran up to the floor his dad was at and once he saw his dad crying and talking to a doctor his heart shattered. he knew his mom hadn't made it.

seungmin: n-no..

mr kim then turned and saw seungmin standing there on the edge of breaking down completely. he just shook his head no and opened his arms, seungmin broke down and ran into his dads arms crying hard.

mr kim: i-im sorry son..s-she couldn't keep fi-fighting..

seungmin just cried holding his dad. he just lost his mom. he fell to the ground crying harder and harder while his dad held him tightly. seungmins world was just falling apart left and right. he didnt know what he was going to do now with his mom gone.

seungmin: a-ahh! s-she has to k-keep fighting! w-we need a do-doctor!

mr kim: n-no seungmin..shes g-gone.

seungmin: n-no! she can m-make it!! t-tell them to d-do everything ag-again!! i-i cant lose her dad!! p-please! s-she cant d-d-die!..

mr kim just held seungmin tightly as seungmin just cried harder and harder

i would be lying if i said i didnt lowkey cry writing this, uhmm please please pleaseeee!! dont talk shit cz of how i made chans parents 😞 they're really sweet people and would never say or like celebrate someone getting hurt or etc. its just for the book. but  sorry for any misspellings and yes have a wonderful night or day!

words - 1162

goodbye - 09

𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. ~ chanmin. Where stories live. Discover now